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(Y/N) and Asta looked at each other before looking at their robes with smiles on their face. They were in. Looking back at them were the many members of the black bulls.

Magna: With those, you two are fully fledged members of the black bulls! You better do good and bring good to the bulls, you got that?

Asta: Yes sir!

Magna: Get excited because as a special bonus, i'll show you two around this joint!

Asta and (Y/N) didn't waste time, running off alongside Magna while the others watch, not being able to introduce themselves sadly. Magna showed the two their dining hall, their bathroom, their wild beast dungeon and before they could arrive at their last destination...they met a girl in the same robe as (Y/N), Magna and Asta with silver hair and a nasty glare in her eye. Magna told them that she was also able to join their group. Asta didn't waste time to introduce himself, sticking his hand out but it was smacked away by the girl, who glared at him and (Y/N).

Girl: Who gave you permission to talk to me? You little insect with scant amount of magic power! I am Noelle Sliva of the Sliva family.

Asta suddenly dropped to his knees, bowing as a sign of apology but immediately leapt to his feet after remembering about how she called him an insect. Asta was outraged and so was (Y/N), who glared at her. Magna hyped up Asta as he set the record straight but it seems that his words weren't getting through. Noelle lifted her arm, ready to unleash a deadly attack upon the three, who watched in shock. She began talking down on them for being 'measly commoners' as she got ready to let her attack loose. In an instance, a giant sphere of water headed straight towards them, but it suddenly turned to the left and hit Magna. Everyone was in shock and confusion as he smashed into the wall. Magna got to his feet suddenly.

Magna: You'll pay for that!

Noelle: You happened to be standing in that spot. Who said you could be there?

A tick grew on Magna's forehead as he locked eyes with Noelle. He couldn't help but clench his fists and gritted his teeth, trying to stop himself from striking her across the face.


A moment of silence fell upon them as Noelle's hair shadowed her eyes. Her lips quivered as she lowered her head before she rose her head suddenly.

Noelle: I wanted nothing to do with this squad anyway!

Noelle threw her robe onto the ground and made her way to wards the exit. Asta and (Y/N) looked at each other before turning their heads to face Magna, who watched her before looking at them and growing his usual smile on his face.

Magna: Never mind her, let's continue!

Magna led the two boys to their rooms. Magna pushed the door open to reveal a small room with a desk, a lamp and a couple shelves with two beds on either side of the room. It was dirty, smelly and simply unsustainable. That didn't bother them one bit, with the boys having stars in their eyes as they wiped the place clean. Before they knew it, the room was spotless with some minor problems but it looked better then before. The boys got out of their clothes and decided to head to sleep after a hectic day. (Y/N) was tired already and felt asleep as soon as his back hit the bed. The next day came around quite quickly. (Y/N) woke up and noticed that Asta was gone but he'd meet with him later. (Y/N) had trouble finding his way to the washroom because the house seemed to have changed overnight, which was strange but (Y/N) just thought he'd get use to it and not even notice. After getting into his clothes, he put on his robe and he felt so powerful, courageous and strong. It filled him with the energy needed to keep going. (Y/N) made his way downstairs to see many of the other members. He took a seat next to a girl, who was a little taller then him but was still short. She was eating food that was being made by sheep cooks. She offered some to (Y/N), who thanked her by gesturing and began to eat and before he knew it, he was rubbing his stomach, having eaten more then he could ever before.

???: You're the quiet new member. My name's Charmy Pappitson, nice to meet you. Feel free to eat some more if you want!

(Y/N) smiled happily but had to decline. A cheery boy with blonde, messy hair and blue eyes approached (Y/N).

Luck: You're quite strong, fight me! My name is Luck Voltia and you and Asta were amazing!

Then the booze drinking woman from yesterday appeared and placed her arm around (Y/N), who blushed.

Vanessa: I didn't get to introduce myself cutie. The name's Vanessa Enoteca and as you guessed, i'm a witch but i would never hurt a cute like you...

(Y/N) blushed profusely, hoping to get out of her hold. He felt weak against her seductive ways and felt like he was going to burst if he didn't find a way to escape. Suddenly, a loud crash was heard outside and (Y/N) took that as his cue and bolted straight towards the exit. (Y/N) opened the door and stopped in his tracks with his mouth opening wide in complete shock. It was the same sphere used by Noelle the day before but it was larger and had tentacles that destroyed the ground below it.

Vanessa: Oh wow.

Magna: That's a lot of magic power...

Yami: Her magic is out of control.

Suddenly, Asta was seen airborne before descending toward the ground, but was grabbed by Yami luckily. (Y/N) ran to see if Asta was OK but felt Yami grab ahold of him too. He tried to escape but couldn't. His grip was too tight.

Yami: I need you two. Do something about that.

Asta: WHATTTT!!!

Yami: You heard. I know you did too.

Asta: We can't fly up there! How can we even-

Yami: Leave it to me! Now, surpass your limits!

Yami coated his forearms in magic and launched (Y/N) and Asta towards the sphere. Asta looked towards (Y/N) and he nodded, knowing what they had to do. (Y/N) summoned his grimoire, which appeared beside him, opening up and showing the hilt of his sword. (Y/N) grabbed the hilt and pulled it out the whole of the sword. Asta and (Y/N) were able to manoeuvre themselves, teaming up to slash the water sphere open, releasing Noelle. Noelle opened her eyes to see herself begin to fall but she was suddenly felt herself being grabbed by an unknown person. Noelle thought it was Asta but it was (Y/N). Remember, he worked on his agility and physical strength but sadly this feat was shortlived as they began to drop towards the ground at a faster rate. It was nerve wracking and they were all sure they'd die but a spatial portal opened up and they all fell threw, landing on the ground, alongside the others.

Yami: Nicely done!

Asta: Thanks!

(Y/N) bowed rapidly in agreement.


(Y/N) felt himself to see if his heart was still beating before he and Asta hugged each other, glad to be alive while every one just laughed at their antics.

Noelle still laid on the ground, with Asta approaching her to see if she was alright.

Asta: Hey, you! That's some crazy magic power! Me and (Y/N) have zero magic, which makes me jealous! If you keep training to a point where you can control it, you'll be unstoppable!

Magna: That's your problem? You should've said so. The Black Bulls are full of many wacky misfits. We can take care of that measly problem.

Noelle was at a lost for words. The group began to shower her with many alternatives for her magic while some gave her compliments and such. Noelle felt tears begin to appear. All her life she'd never felt this kind of attention, praise and energy from people. Her family pushed her away but these random ragtag group kept her close despite all that she had said to them prior. Asta reached out his hand, which Noelle was hesitant to take but after a couple of seconds, she gave in and decided to not go down the path of her family but make a path for herself, lifting her arm for Asta to hold.

Asta: Let's get started on our journey!

End of page 4.

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