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Asta, (Y/N) and Yuno smile. It had been a while since they'd cross paths. Glad to see that their rival is fine and in good health.

???: Yuno, why did you save them?

(Y/N)/Asta/Noelle: ?

Behind Yuno are two others; a man with glasses and a brunette. Noelle scoffs at the sight of the brunette, brushing her hair to the side.

Glasses: Our mission is to capture the dungeon, we don't have time to bother with them!

Asta and (Y/N) looked at each other before turning to look at the spectacle-eyed mage.

Asta: Yuno, what's up with the rude four-eyes?

Yuno: Klaus? He's a senior member.

Klaus: Four eyes?! You're the rude one! I am a noble, do not speak as if we are equals!

Asta gives Klaus a deadpan expression before turning his attention to Yuno.

Asta: are these the types of guys at Golden Dawn, Yuno? Are they all stuck up nobles like four-eyes?

Klaus: Enough with the name calling!

The brunette and Noelle lock eyes. The brunette had a smile on her face.

Brunette: My, my! If it isn't Noelle...good day to you, haven't seen you since the royal family dinner...

Asta: You know her?

Noelle: Yeah...sort of,

Brunette: I heard The Black Bulls are a barbaric group...are you all right?

Noelle giggled in a mocking manner.

Noelle: What about you, Mimosa? Can someone as dim-witted as you survive as a part of  The Golden Dawn?

Mimosa giggled with her eyes closed.

Mimosa: Yes, everyone's kind. Thanks to them, I am able to use my magic without worry. You couldn't use your magic at all, Noelle. How has that gone for you?

Noelle glared at Mimosa with a tick on her forehead, trying her best to contain her anger while Mimosa laughed.

Mimosa: The other day, the three of us received a star from The Wizard King!

The three remained silent.
Then, Asta and (Y/N) smiled. 

Asta: Oh yeah! Well, we received a star a few days back too!

Klaus approached and flicked Asta in his forehead.

Klaus: Liar. As if newbies such as yourself could get a star so easily. It's impudent of them to give you a mission.

Asta: The Wizard King asked for us!

Klaus: Lying again? Doesn't that get old?

Klaus looks down, noticing (Y/N). They lock eyes. Both unwavering as lightning clashed between them.

Klaus: What? If you have something to say, say it!

Yuno taps Klaus' shoulder.

Yuno: <whispering> He's mute. He can't speak.

Klaus' face goes pale. A sweat drop trickles down his face while he rubs his head, feeling bad and showing a glimpse of his true nature.

Noelle: Think before you speak, four-eyes!

Klaus glares furiously at Noelle.

Klaus: Silence your tongue. The fact that you're a noble and dwell with these peasants disgusts me. Remember this; The Black Bulls are a filthy disgrace to the Magic Knights!

(Y/N) and Asta clenched their fists. Ready to duke it out with Klaus.

Asta: We'll reach the dungeon before you! Just you watch us prove you wrong!

Klaus: Oh? Really? We shan't waste no time! Mimosa!

Mimosa summons her grimoire and activates it.

Mimosa: Plant Creation Magic: Magic Flower Outpost!

With her magic, she is able to create a layout of the dungeon and pinpoint the location of the treasure hall. Asta and Noelle stare in shock at her display of plant magic.

Mimosa: Okay! I know the rough layout, we can get moving!

Yuno: Wind Creation Magic: Celestial Wind Ark!

A boat-like structure formed out of wind appears. Yuno, Klaus and Mimosa look down at the three.

Klaus: Try keep up...if you can,

(Y/N) grits his teeth, ready to unleash upon the man whereas Asta has a grin on his face. Yuno smiles and locks eyes with the boy.

Yuno: Keep up, Asta! (Y/N)!

The wind ark flies off.

Asta: Impressive as always huh? Let's see who gets to the treasure hall first!

Noelle bonks Asta on the head.

Noelle: And how are we gonna get to the treasure hall?! We don't have any tracking spells?!!

Asta: We'll find a way! Let's get moving!

Asta activates his grimoire and begins to run. He steps on a area and it begins to illuminate.
Asta had accidentally set off a trap.

Asta: Oops?

(Y/N) and Noelle glare at him before leaping out of the way to evade the trap's attack. (Y/N) and Asta perform a duo attack, defeating the trap. They look at each other and smile before clasping hands, setting off a trap again.

Noelle grumbles in anger while (Y/N) and Asta sweatdrop.

Amidst the skirmish, Nero, the bird perched on Asta's head, suddenly takes flight and lands on top of a plank that sticks out of the wall. Next to the plank is a path. Using its wing, it pointed towards it.

Asta, (Y/N) and Noelle notice the bird directing them.

Asta: Nero?!


Hooded mages litter the ground. The gargling of a hooded mage could be heard. A laugh escapes the mouth of the one responsible.

Luck: You guys are weak but you aren't, are you?

Luck faces an individual seated on top of a broken bits of rubble. His hand cups his chin. His arm rests on his thigh.

???: got me there, nothing good comes out of making the hurdles too high...energetic young power..sure is frightening stuff,

End of page 10.

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