Page 11

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The screams of our heroes echoed throughout the dungeon as they found themselves descending further and further. Noelle's shriek shaking the very walls beside them.

Asta clung onto the wall and held on for deal life, feeling Noelle tugging onto his leg whilst shrieking in terror. Beads of sweat raining down the boy's face.

Noelle: What's with this place?! The gravity's gone insane!!

Asta could only respond in grunts as he remain static. On top Asta's head, Nero remained perched.

Asta: Hey!! Mister Nero?! Are you sure this is the right way?!

The bird remain silent, Asta drastically overlooking the fact that birds do not and can not speak the human tongue.

Suddenly, two sets of mini footsteps were heard approaching. Noelle, Asta and Nero turned their attention to see a treasure chest with mini, feeble legs jogging.

Pursuing the chest, (Y/N).

Asta: That's the treasure?!!

Noelle: No!! It's really not!

Asta: It has to be!!

Noelle: Wait, Stupidsta! It's obviously a trap! 

Asta leapt toward the chest, defying gravity as he and (Y/N) chase after the box whilst Noelle watched, completely fed up with the pair's silly antics.

Suddenly, gravity switched and the two boys, along with the chest, began to plummet.

Noelle: Idiots.

Managing to adjust themselves, Asta and (Y/N) continue to pursue the chest box and after a few more minutes—

Asta: Awright, we got it!

Asta, Noelle and (Y/N) glanced at each other then at the box in front. Asta took in a deep breath before opening up the chest. Their eyes widened in shock as they stared at the many contents inside the box.

The ominous thumping of the heart, the slimy feel of the lung and the strange gargling sound from the intestine.

Noelle spun away in disgust whilst Asta and (Y/N) stared sombrely, saddened that the chest wasn't filled with the riches they envisioned but rather, filled with human organs.


Noelle bonked Asta across the head.

Asta: YEOWCH! It's not my fault!


Meanwhile, The Golden Dawn continued to travel through the dungeon at high speeds. Yuno stood at the front, controlling the ark whilst Mimosa gave him directions. Klaus kept watch, in case any foe were to make themselves present.

Mimosa: We're almost here!

They continued forward in silence. After a few minutes, they came to stop. They all glared at the large doors in front. They had made it and no Black Bulls were in sight.

The doors looked elegant, majestic but most importantly, untouched. The ark landed and dissipated once they had all gotten off.

Mimosa: That's amazing!

Klaus adjusted his glasses whilst looking.

Klaus: So, this is all dungeons are? That wasn't difficult.

Mimosa scanned the area whilst approaching the door.

Mimosa: The Black Bulls aren't here yet.

Klaus: <snickering> Of course they aren't. They're nowhere near, in fact. They were probably taken out by a trap somewhere. Ha—!

Large, sharp crystals sprouted suddenly, enclosing and striking Mimosa. Klaus and Yuno watched the attack snatch the life from within her as she fell to the ground.

Klaus: DAYUM!

Yuno: Mimosa!

The crystals dissipated. The daunting silence interrupted by the cold, petrifying footsteps that approached their position.

Yuno and Klaus silently turned their heads, the footsteps getting ever so close. From the cold darkness, a unknown mage of strange clothing appeared.

???: Who's in my way?

He sights Yuno and Klaus. Suddenly, he glares intensely. Yuno and Klaus feeling a bead of sweat trickle from the sheer density of the mage's mana.

???: Move.

End of page 11.

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