Hola Hermosa.

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You woke up feeling much better. A little upset about what happened yesterday but that was.. in the past. Smiling to yourself, you picked a cute outfit knowing how good you looked. A pretty revealing but subtle crop top, a cute demin skirt and black coverse. Luckily for you it was a warm day, you didnt have to worry.

On your way to school you noticed the same black van, you immediately sped up your pace and with a stressed look on  your face you bumped into Robin.
"Oh hola  hermosa" he smirked at you.
He realised how stressed you looked and did his best to comfort you, you told him about the van and you shared a very steamy hug. You and him could feel your heart pounding. You made eye contact for a while until robin held your hand assuring you that you are okay. You both walked to school forgetting that you were holding hands until you got there. Vance was fuming. He walked up to you both but slid between you and kept walking to break the hand contact. You both noticed your hands fall apart and started laughing. Vance looked like he wanted to tear Robin into peices. He strutt up to him and pushed him, obviously Robin held his ground.
"I heard you were bullying some poor kid in the first year!" Vance lied hoping that I would fall into a hate streak with Robin. Using a random lie as an excuse to take his anger out on Robin
"Whats your problem?! I would never do  that unlike you I actually defend the people from hijo de putas like you bastard!" Robin spat pushing him back. A fight broke out and Y/N was frozen unknowing of what to do. A crowd formed and Y/N was being dragged away by Finneny and Gwen questioning her.
"WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING?! THEY ARE BOTH GETTING THEIR ASSES KICKED" Gwen began to cheer for robin and Finney was too scared of Vance to join her. Y/N thought of what Vance said and wondered if Robin did actually do that to some innocent kid. You were struck across the face by some slut.
"Who do you think  you are taking my vance from me its obvious he caused the fight because of you whore!" You struck her twice as hard. Not thinking what you were doing you began to rock her shit. The vance and robin fight ended in a tie as they were both worn out and the crowd began to form around you and thr girl. Nobody even knew you yet you could really fuck somebody up in a fair fight. Everyone was amazed including robin and vance. When you started to go abit far you got dragged off by her friend who you also beat the shit out of. When it was over you stood up and bowed.
"Shows over folks!!" Gwen bellowed shooing all of the nosy bastards away.

You didnt even go over to vance. Or robin. Or gwen and finney who were now stood in a group staring at you. Even the two girls ran off, you just walked into the bathrooms and everybody followed even though you didnt say a word. They all went into the girls bathrooms as the bell rang, even the boys. A now confused but really enchanted by you Robin tied his bandada around your bleeding arm. Vance grabbed your face and came really close bending down to your height to the point you could feel his breath. Gwen and finney stood aside exchanging confused looks. Robin gave a really deadly stare to vance who let go of you towering over you looked down and winked. You all skipped class and went to your house..


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