The Storm

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The next morning, the ninja left early after Kai, Cole and Zane said goodbye to their girlfriends who stayed on the ship.

There was a severe weather warning, but they wanted to be back before the storm came anyway.

They want to defeat the Shadows.

After almost arriving at the camp, the Shadows came towards them. They pursued her into a jungle. There they stopped.

The ninja ran towards them and the fight started.

Harumi and Lloyd fought each other.

"Oh Greenie... That sounds familiar. You're out with your friends again, the two of us against each other again." She laughed nastily.

Lloyd grimaced just before her words, which hurt him again.

Suddenly, a strong storm approached them from nearby. There was lightning and thunder.

A moment later it was raining so hard that you could hardly see anything. The wind tore trees out of the ground and threw them away. Everyone tried to save themselves somewhere. Good or bad, everyone ran to one of the ships lying on the shore to take shelter in the cabins.

The storm calmed down the next morning. Kai woke up first. He woke the others, but... Lloyd was missing. The Shadows had probably escaped. DAMN!

When Kai ran out of the cabin, he turned pale. That in front of him wasn't Ninjago. They had obviously landed on a small island, for he could even see the end of land.

"Guys?! I think we have a problem!" he shouted.

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