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Harumi was helping Misako set the lunch table.

"Rumi? Can you pass out the plates, please?"

"Of cour-"She held her stomach for a moment and quickly ran to the bathroom.

A few minutes later, Misako came to the bathroom door.

"Rumi? Is everything alright with you?"

Harumi comes out of the bathroom."I think I just ate something wrong." She replied fairly confidently.

Misako raised an eyebrow in anticipation, but didn't say anything else.

After Harumi vomited several times that day, Misako wanted to talk to her and ordered her into her room. As the two sat on Harumi's bed, Misako was the first to start talking.

"You threw up quite a lot today, darling.." Misako said worried. "Like I said, I must have just eaten something wrong." "What if it's not that? What if you're... pregnant?"

Harumi is horrified."What?! No! That can not be! II... We... We were careful!" "Well, if that's the case... Still, just in case, you should take a test, honey..."Harumi just nodded, lost in thought. Misako walked out of the room.

Skylor walked in."Hey. Are you alright?" She took Harumi straight into her arms, noticing that her best friend wasn't feeling too well. Harumi shrugs. "Tell me. Please Rumi!" 

"Have I seemed different to you lately?"


"Well you know. Strange or something..."

"Not really... Oh wait... yes. You eat some weird food combinations. Sometimes that's pretty weird. But many people eat combinations that others find strange. But... what are you getting at?"

"Sky... I might be..." Harumi stops talking.

"What? You are what? finally tell me I'm getting really worried about you!"Harumi exhales, calming himself.

"I might be... pregnant...?" "What!?... Oh Rumi..."

Harumi starts crying. "What do I do now? H-How will Lloyd react? I-I..."Skylor takes her in her arms.

"Hey..." She strokes Rumi's head. "Everything will be fine. You can do it. And Lloyd? He'll be happy! Being a family with you is definitely his greatest wish!"

"Do you really think that?" she sobbed.

"Of course."


"Rumi ? Is everything alright in there?" Skylor asked through the bathroom door.

Skylor is waiting in front of Harumi's bathroom, where she has been locked for hours.

"Okay, if you don't open the door right now, I'll break it down!"

The door clicked and opened. Behind the door was a completely crying Harumi.

"What's going on?" Her gaze fell on the bathroom dresser. On it was... a pregnancy test with... two lines.

"Oh Rumi! Congratulations!" She hugged her best friend. "I don't know what to feel..." she sobs. "Joy? Despair? Fear? Anger? Sadness?"

Skylor smiles "That's perfectly normal, believe me." She hugged her again.

"You know what?" 


"I know a great gynecologist there. We'll make an appointment right away."

"Okay." Harumi smiled.

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