Next Day: Lloyds Birthday

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After the ninja and all their other friends celebrated with Lloyd and handed in their presents, everyone slowly returned home.

So that nothing was noticed for the time being, Rumi had also given him something, a photo album of her most beautiful moments, although the biggest surprise was yet to come.

However, Misako nudged Harumi, wanting her to finally tell him. Misako and Skylor had been the only people who knew about the pregnancy so far.

"Lloyd? I have something else for you." Rumi smiled lovingly at him."One more thing? That's getting to be quite a lot of presents!" he said while laughing.

She took the envelope with the ultrasound in her hands and gave it to Lloyd.Lloyd first looked at it with interest before opening it. He pulled out the picture he thought was a map.His face went from smiling to shocked.

Harumi shifted her feet nervously, afraid he would tell her he didn't want the kids.He took the note out of the envelope and read it:

Hey Greenie <3

I know this comes as quite a surprise, but...

*dramatic pause*


Yes, you definitely recognized it from the picture, but I wanted to give you a few details.

1st: We are expecting TRIPLETS. Yes, I know, having three babies at once is going to be a huge challenge. But hey! We'll make it! We have achieved so much together. And a family? We both wanted that. Well, there it is, our little family! <3

2nd: I am in the 4th month, which means we still have about 5 months of preparation.

3rd: In a month we have an appointment to determine the gender(s). I'm already way too nervous.

4th: I know you're a little scared now, me too, but I know you can do it! <3

We're both going to make great parents! And now let's be honest. If they come after you, we might not have it that hard XD. WELL... I think so. I never met you as a baby... :D

Love you, my dearest husband! <3

Your Rumi <3

After reading the note, he stared into Rumi's eyes. There was silence around them. 

Misako and Skylor hoping everything would go well; 

Garmadon and Wu were as shocked as Lloyd because they have seen the pictures back. Because on the pictures back Harumi wrote: 
Our little triplets <3

Lloyd took the picture of the babies and the note, put them back in the envelope and placed the envelope on the table.

Harumi was really afraid now that he would abandon her and the children.

But Lloyd had other plans than this. He walked towards her and wrapped her in the tightest hug he had ever given her. 

She started crying into his shoulder in front of friends.

Everyone else around cried at this beautiful sight.

Lloyd took Rumi's face in his hands and kissed her.

After finishing the kiss Lloyd said to Rumi: "This is the best birthday gift of all time."

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