5 Month Later

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Lloyd waited impatiently in the hospital waiting room.

It had been 5 hours since Harumi went into contractions.

Garmadon, Misako, Wu and the ninja with their friends sat next to him.

"Lloyd, I know how nervous you are. But if you don't sit down right now, you'll leave marks on the floor." Garmadon tried to calm his son.

Lloyd sighs.

A doctor entered the waiting room. "Mr. Montgomery-Garmadon?"

Lloyd stared at the floor intently.

"It's YOU, son." Garmadon said to his son with a smile on his lips.

Lloyd jumps. "Is she okay?"The doctor smiled. "Yes. Your wife is fine so far. She's just very tired."Lloyd let out a relieved breath.He followed the doctor to Harumi's room. But before he did that, he looked at his parents, who indicated with their eyes that he should go to her alone first.

"So. There we are. I have to go now, just go inside. If she needs anything, there's an emergency call button by the bed and a phone with numbers on the table."


The doctor disappeared.

Lloyd entered the room. It was bright and very comfortably furnished. It looked like a normal living room. His next look met Harumi. He smiled. She was still so beautiful even though she looked very exhausted. In her arms she held a small bundle. She smiled at it the whole time.Lloyd stepped closer. Now she noticed him. She smiled lovingly at him too. Then she looked from him to the small bundle in her arms, back to him and then to the two additional cots, each of which held another small bundle.

Lloyd went to Rumi and kissed her forehead."Thanks...for everything" he whispered to her.

She just smiled.

Then she spoke, "Lloyd, may I introduce you, our daughter." She gestured at the bundle in her arm. "Alicia..." Lloyd whispered. 

Harumi nodded.They had thought about the names for the triplets for a long time and had no doubt that these were the perfect names for their little ones.

Lloyd took his daughter from her mother's arms. He put her in his arms and looked at the little, pink and rumpled girl. He couldn't hold back his tears anymore. He held his second born for minutes before releasing her to her mother.

He turns and looks at the other two babies.He went to the first bed and looked at the sign:

Elijah Montgomery-Garmadon
20th June

Lloyd smiled at his firstborn. The little one slept peacefully in his bed.

"Hello, Eli. It's me, your dad." He smiled at his son and, careful not to wake him up, kissed his little snub nose.

Next to him he heard a soft squeak. He walked to the nearest crib and took his last born son, Percy, in his arms. The little one was already much more lively than his siblings, because he immediately stretched out his little hand to Lloyd. 

As Lloyd approached to kiss his son's forehead, the little boy caught a curl of his father's hair in his hand."Hey!" laughed Lloyd. "That's my hair."
The little one just chuckled happily.

As he sat down with his son on the edge of Harumi's bed, there was a knock on the door.The others, especially Misako and Garmadon, had come to see the little ones.

After a few hours of getting to know each other, everyone except Misako and Garmadon was gone.
The two stayed longer to hold their grandchildren in their arms.

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