Years Later (Timeskip and last chapter)

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(The triplets are 16 now)

It's been 10 years since Lloyd and Harumi inexplicably didn't return from their mission. 

Everyone else was back. 

 Since then, Garmadon and Misako have taken care of their grandchildren, which was not always easy for them, partly because of their old age. 

The triplets also took care of each other. When there was a fight between the brothers, which was a rare occurrence, Alicia would step in to calm them down, which always worked. 

 They were real geniuses at school and always got along great with their friends, the children of the other ninjas. 

 Only one thing was missing them: their parents. Her memories of them grew scarce. They were 6 years old when their parents disappeared. 

They were dropped off at their grandparents' and were waiting for their return at the time. But there wasn't. 

Still, they hoped to see her again one day...


Sry for an end like this but I had the idea to make a book about the adventures of the triplets and the search for their parents. Maybe I will do that someday. Next Chapter: Details of the new Ninja-Generation. :)


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