Chapter 1

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Amara De Luca's POV

"Miss Smith, is my lesson boring?" A voice woke me up; it was my math teacher. Of course, the bitch hates me for no reason.

Maybe there was a reason I broke her daughter's nose, but to be fair, she was a bitch.

Honestly, I don't even know why I bother; the only reason I still go to school is to feel like a normal kid, but in reality, I have a PHD in human behavioural science .

"Yes, thank you for being so considerate." I smirked, seeing her face turn red.

I swear she looked like those cartoon characters who were about to have smoke come out of their ears.

"DETENTION!" She yelled. As I was about to respond, the intercom buzzed.

"Could Ms. Amara Valentina Smith report to the principal's office?" That's weird I don't think I did anything wrong. I sighed, heading towards the principal's office.

"Miss Smith, have a seat," Mr Simon, the principal, said. Beside him stood a tall, well-dressed man. His aura screamed power and confidence.

He stared straight at me with a smile. I gently smiled back. I found no reason to be a bitch to someone who is a nice person. "What's this about?" I questioned feeling the positive atmosphere in the room.

"Well, miss Smith I'm from Bridgewood Academy; we are a prestigious private school. I'm sure you are aware." Mr. Well Dressed said he phrased it as a question but knew dam well I was aware of it.

It was known to be extremely exclusive in New York, and mostly wealthy students were invited.

"I am aware. What about it?" I replied

"Well, Miss Smith We are hoping you would consider coming to join us. We have looked into your schoolwork and are extremely impressed. The school's itself is known to be both a high school and a university, so you would be able to obtain a degree if you continued to thrive there.

We are also offering you a full-time scholarship for student expenses. We contacted your foster parents, and they are more than happy that I am a recruiter for the school, and in search of capable students, your name was on the deans list, so my question is, Would you like to join?" Mr. Well-dressed informed me. My mind blanked as I looked at their curious faces.

Of course, my foster parents would agree, considering they are only posing as such since I offered them a large sum of money.

A scholarship wouldn't exactly benefit me considering the money I have, but the school is extremely prestigious, and it wouldn't harm my business in any way.

My mind was spiraling continuously, edging me to find a reason to say no, but sadly, I found nothing and besides a diploma wouldn't do that much of a difference anyways.Funny enough I had 2 Phds but I didn't have a diploma I faked one so I could fast track the whole thing.

All signs indicated that I should do this. I looked into his well-dressed, curious eyes and whispered, "Yes, I will join."

He looked stunned but smiled. "Wonderful, however, we must leave immediately. Would you like to pack your belongings?" He said he was already walking towards his car.

"Um, yeah, here's the address," I said, partially still in a daze.

"Ok, Miss Smith, you can pack your belongings. I will wait outside. Take all the time you need." He explained as the car came to a stop.

Someone get this man a mood ring; wasn't he just rushing me? I walked into my home as the smell of lavender hit my nose. I sighed as I walked upstairs, packing the necessary things since I have a house in America and I'll only need important things.

I looked at my reflection as I packed my clothes away. A broken girl with tears streaming down her face and blood dripping from her body stared at me. That moment, any doubt I had vanished. I owe it to her to be happy. I deserve this. I'm heartless. I will kill anyone who is not innocent, but I never choose to be this way.

After everything I've been through, I deserve happiness and a normal life. I will make sure that no one has to go through what I did. I escaped, I'm free, and now I'm powerful and untouchable, and those who took everything from me will fall. I will burn them down.

They wanted me to be a killer and weapon, and they got what they wanted, but one by one they will fall. Which is also one of the reasons I will never be a bitch without reason. I will never put someone through what I've been through. It's hard to have a normal life when I have to be looking over my shoulder constantly.

I packed everything away and went outside. "Is that all?" He frowned, looking at the number of things I had.

"Do you have anything you want to take from your parents house?" he continued before I could respond. The question made me freeze as I looked into his eyes, which were only laced with curiosity.

I was extremely good at reading people's emotions; sensing his was pure made me sigh in relief.

"They are out on business a lot, so they bought me a house temporarily to live in if no one's home since it's closer to school." I said, keeping my voice even and making sure my eyes were blank.

"Alright, then shall we leave? We are provided with first-class tickets." He smiled. First class?

"Uh, yeah, sure." I hummed slightly, taken aback by a school's budget.

"This is your captain speaking. We are about to land in New York. Please fasten your seatbelts." The intercom buzzed.

"Well, Ms. Smith We are almost here, so do you have any questions for me?" The man was questioned.

"Well, for one, what's your name?" I just realized that I got on a plane with a man whose name I didn't even know. How I'm not dead is beyond me.

"Ah, my apologies, Miss Smith. My name is Alistair Joe de Von; you can call me Mr. Alistair." He replied.

"Ok, then what kind of classes am I taking?" I questioned

"Well, with your grades, we highly recommend AP classes, but you do still have the choice not to take them. However, one compulsory subject you are required to take is computing. When viewing your schoolwork, we decided we wanted you to take AP computing classes other than that, you are free to choose which classes you would like." He said, starting at me intently, that I didn't mind; I enjoyed computing, and choosing my subjects seemed like a bonus.

"This is your captain speaking; we have arrived in America." The intercom buzzed.

Mr. Alistair grabbed my suitcase and handed it to one of the workers as we entered a black Mercedes class. The drive was short, and I simply rested my eyes for 25 minutes before the car came to a stop.

I got to see a beautiful school with a large gate and water fountain right in the middle as students were scrambling to carry their books, laughing with friends, and rushing to their next class.

"Welcome to Bridgewood Academy, Miss Smith." Alistair announced.

I hope you like the story so far, and like I've mentioned, I'm a first-time writer, so bear with me if the stories are not the best

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