Chapter 5

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Lorenzo's pov

"Enzo are you busy ?" My baby brother asked as his head popped up from the corner of my door with a wild smile.

" Not at all come on in buddy" he rushed in holding a packet of sour patch kids with a mischievous glint.

" I stole them from Angelo " He not so quietly whispered.

I couldn't help but laugh motioning him to sit as he offered me a piece I took it while making sure we were both comfortable on the bed.

I ignored the pile of homework on my desk and opted for the the TV remote. ( An: He real for that)

We continued watching tv not noticing it's already been 2 hours.

" Hey it's time for dinner" Antonio said entering my room and his eyes caught the sour patch kids in my hands.

"Angelo is gonna kill you" was all he said leaving my room" Bruno and I locked eyes and bursted out laughing.

Let's go get some dinner I placed Bruno on his feet as he ran to Alessandro.

" Bubba !" He exclaimed with a smile on his face.

" Hi Bruno" he gave a small smile pacing him on the chair.

"Sit let's eat" He said taking his place at the table.

"How was school" Leo asked looking at me Angelo and Antonio.

" It was fine we meet Yu Lings roommate." Antonio telling Leonardo but he wanted Ales to hear it.

"Oh what was she like?" Leo asked with a smile.

" Normal I guess we didn't really get to talk much but once she saw us she sort of froze and left in her defence apparently she was going somewhere." Antonio told Ales and Leonardo.

" Was she pretty?" Isa peeped her cheeks puffed out from the pasta. I couldn't help but chuckle

"Yes Isa" I confirmed.

"Did she seem like she was hiding something " Xander asked.

"We aren't sure" Angelo replied.

" Alright let me know if there is anything weird about hero ok ?" Alessandro said.

"Ok" Antonio said and we started eating once again.

Amara's pov

Holy shit I can't believe that just happened I could feel my breath constrict as I chugged down a bottle of water.

"Ok what wrong" Lana asked. " She's right the fuck is up with you"Andrew pitched in.

Lana Alvarez and Andrew Coleman I guess you could say they were my family.

I met them while HE still had me HE needed them for something but I never really understood what however,  They protected me and vis versa not to mention the fact that they have proven their loyalty more than once and I trust them with my life.

They work as my right and left in command for all my companies and also when I'm black rose and they are pretty dam good at their job.

Don't get me wrong though I dream about strangling them on a daily basis they are loud and "outgoing" but not in the way Yu Ling is it's more so the type where you want to punch them in the face.

" Nothing I'm Fine" I told them. Lana snorted

" You might good at reading people but we know how to read people too Amara.Is this about your family?"

This was exactly why I hated getting close to people as much as I was trained to not let my emotions slip my family was my weakness and anyone who vaguely knew me could figure that out.

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