Chapter 7

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Rafael De Luca pov:

"Papà one of our docks was ambushed by the Russians when you were gone we handled it and some of our men were injured but none died ." Alessandro my oldest told me.

"papà we talked to the Reyes and might have to becomes allies with them turns out they are also facing major problems because of the Russians." Xanders says.

I sighed. Anytime the Russians try to ambush us all I can think of is my little devil I lost a piece of myself when she was taken away from me but I died the second I saw my daughters burned body.

I could still hear Victoria's cry as she held my unrecognisable daughter in her hands screaming at me.

I never understood it but I knew that wasn't my daughter I constantly told everyone it wasn't but no one believed me.

They said I was in denial but I knew my daughter and the person my wife held wasn't her.

But as time went on I realised they might be right my baby girl might be dead.

Alessandro and Xander never believed it they never stopped looking for part of me doesn't believe it but the image of that little girls burnt body is in graves in my memory.

"Papà ?" Alessandro questioned.

"Let's set up a meeting with them and we will see how to proceed from there." He nodded.

"LEONARDO!" Angelos voice echoed through our house.

" Angelo what's going on." Enzo asked a very clearly angry Angelo.

"He told me we had school today and that I was going to be late so I rushed to school and fucking embarrassed myself."Angelo said in a rush

"Language Angelo I want your phone on my table." Xander replied. Xander and Alessandro were basically 2 second parents to my kids when Amara died I found it hard to get back up so Alessandro and Xander stepped up.

I have never stopped apologising for that and I never will they didn't deserve that. If I'm being honest I wasn't the best dad to Alessandro and Xander after Amara was taken I pain of losing one child made lose two others.

The fear that the same thing would happen to them made me train them harder and harder at an age they didn't deserve.

Leonardo was always glued to Victorias hip so I never really bothered to train him to hard. But Alessandro Xander and Amara were always around me.

I started training them harder and only saw the effects of it. Both of them have told me they forgave me a long time ago but I never forgave myself and I never will.

The only thing in the world I ever wanted was to be a good dad and somehow I got everything else except that.

I only truly realised what I had done when Victoria was pregnant with Antonio . I wasn't abusive by any means but I also wasn't a good father.

Xander and Alessandro naturally become the second parents and helped me out after Victoria died and my kids looked up to them as well so it was a system that worked.

"Xander im sorry I was mad and I freaked out." Angelo said with a genuine look of guilt on his face

Xander's face softened ever so lightly and he nodded.

"Wait how did you embarrass yourself?" Antonio asked excited to hear about his brother humiliation

"Well Leo told be that I was late so I wasn't looking where I was going and ran into Elles roommate and I also fell on her but she was nice about she let me stay in her dorm even helped me with my homework and gave me some ramen."

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