Chapter 6

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Angelo Pov:

"Angelo, it's time to get up; you're going to be late." I heard Leo. Fuck, it's way too early for this.

"Angelo I'm serious, don't make me get Xander." I rolled my eyes, pulling the covers over my head. Suddenly, I felt my blanket get torn off my body.

"Leo, what the fuck?" I groaned.

"Not Leo," a cold voice greeted me. Shit, he actually got Xander Dammit just as I was about to apologize. My blurry vision cleared, and the person in front of me became clear. I basically pounced on him.

"PAPA," he let out a very small chuckle and only tapped me back. Papa was a lot like Xander; he loved us and always made sure we knew that, but he wasn't exactly affectionate.

"What are you doing back?"I thought you were only coming next week." I asked as he sat on my bed.

"It took us less time than I thought it would." Papa said I was sitting on my bed.

" PAPA!" I heard Isa and Bruno yell as they ran through the door. Papa laughed, lifting them up in the air.

"How's my little prince and princess?" They giggled, screaming good over and over again. He then turned his focus back to me, placing them on my bed.

"I went to Italy to help your Tio Russo with his hotels, but apparently AV had reached out and offered to help." Papa said while looking skeptical.

AV Hotels was notoriously known for its solo placement in the business world. They never really did business with other companies except the ones that were already run by them.

Not to mention, no one has ever seen the CEO; he only went by AV, but he's rumored to be ruthless and has many connections to illegal businesses as well.

"Did you guys get a meeting with AV?" I was curious about the business deal.

"Yes, but we won't be meeting him directly." Papa said he was distracted by Isa.

"Did he say how he was planning on helping?"

"No I think that's what the meeting will be about."

"When did Tio reach out to him?" I asked at that moment, and Papa paused.

"That's the thing AV reached out to your Tio, not the other way around." This made my jaw drop.

"Does he want something out of this deal? It's hard to believe he's just doing this out of the goodness in his heart; it's AV we are talking about."

"I know, but he's also one of the smartest businessmen out there, no matter what he thinks would benefit him. Just the fact that AV is willing to do business with us will create a bigger market for the de Luca name. No matter what he benefits from, we will benefit from a higher percentage."

"Why would our revenue go up?"

"AV is extremely successful; he's quite honestly untouchable in the business world. If word were to get out that someone as notorious as him was interested in us, people would naturally be drawn to our company wanting to know what we had that caught the eye of the notorious businessman who is willing to do business with our family." He said

"Since when are you interested in business anyway?" Papa said, cocking an eyebrow.

"It's AV Papa; everyone is interested in him. Besides, apparently, he created new sunglasses for people who are deaf that create subtitles for what someone is saying."

He chuckled but nodded. "I know, apparently it's rumored that AV himself wrote the codes to those glasses."

I was once again taken aback. AV seems so cool; he was basically the king of the business world. Together with Elio Moratti, he had so many businesses, and he was also untouchable. Apparently, Nonno knows him, but he hasn't met any of us. I know that Nonno trusts him a lot; he was one of his only friends.

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