Chapter one.

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"You don't have to hide. I can smell it in your eyes, that there's something more to say, baby."
garden shed- tyler the creator (feat. estelle)

Here it is. The first day of shitty 10th grade. You always hated school, you weren't good at it and you hated being trapped in a place learning stuff you weren't gonna remember the next day.

God it sucked. It sucked so much.

Especially after your mom died, you loved your dad but he wasn't as comforting as your mom. Plus when you hung out with your dad before your mom passed you had to hang out with your stepmom, and she made you miserable most of the time. But you also had your brothers who lived there which was a nice distraction from her. They are your half brothers which means we both share the same dad, different mom.

Now you have to live with her, Which was absolutely horrible. Since you weren't her daughter, she treated you terribly. She hated you, always has.

Your dad and mom got divorced before you were even born. It's not that they hated each other or anything it's just that your dad found your stepmom, and you guess he liked her more than your mom.. you dunno.

The only way you got through your moms death was weed and your bestfriend, Vance hopper.

You and vance got along so well. You guys both had fucked up lives and loved horror movies. You and him had a lot of things in common actually.

And he can understand what it feels like to be hated in the house you live in.

Anyways, you guys hit it off pretty well.

But now it's back to school, you woke up at 6 am on the dot to give you atleast an hour to get ready. You yawned taking out your retainer and put it back into its case. You got out of bed looking around in your closet to find something to wear. Your eyes were barely open due to the fact you just woke up.

After a few minutes you picked out yellow bell bottom jeans, and a red crop top with a flower design and flared long sleeves. Then you went to your jewelry box and looked through your ring drawer. Picking out a bunch of different red orange and white rings to match your outfit. You set them all to the side then went to your bracelet drawer, picking out three. One was chunky with a bunch of different charms on it that reminded you of your mom. The second one was just a thin basic gold bracelet with a star in the middle. The third one you always wore, Your mom gave it to you on your first birthday. You wore it everyday. No matter how rusted and old it looked, it was special to you. You looked at your earrings and picked out a pair that were dangling, with a pastel yellow and sage green.  Then finally you picked out a necklace that was from Vance. He bought it for you while ago, well more like he stole it. It was sparkly with crystals and brownish rock like things on it, a little strange looking some people would say but you loved it.

Once you finally put everything on you went to the bathroom and brushed your teeth and styled your hair, doing it in a half up and half down type of way.

You were almost done getting ready when you heard a knock on the door from your younger brother who was 7.

"Y/n are you almost done in there? Mommy said I need to get you out of here. She says your taking way to long." Your brother Gray said through the door.

You rolled your eyes at the thought of your stepmom saying some shit like that. Natalia was her name, you hated that name with your whole heart just because of her. (if your name is natalia i'm sorry 😭😭.)

"Yeah buddy almost" You said unlocking and opening the door.

He smiled when he saw you. Looking at your outfit and necklace.

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