Chapter five.

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"You live in my dream state. Relocate in my fantasy. I stay in reality, you live in my dream state."
See you again- Tyler the creator, Kali Uchis.

TW: mention of drug use.

You were barely awake when you checked the time to see it was 4am. You sighed and laid back down. Trying to go back to sleep. But you just couldn't. You kept tossing and turning the whole night. You weren't able to sleep because you had too many thoughts running in your head. Who would be kidnapped next? Would they find Bruce dead or alive? How was he taken? Who is this motherfucker who keeps stealing innocent children. Those poor boys, poor Bruce. Poor Griffin. Poor Billy. They did nothing to deserve this. "Shut up." You said to yourself, trying to get the thoughts away.

But that didn't help at all, only more thoughts pouring into your mind. You closed your eyes and started taking deep breaths. Inhale, exhale.

But it still wouldn't work. You just weren't tired. "My fucking god." You said, turning on your bedside lamp and getting out of bed angrily and stomping to your closet.

You fell to the ground and looked for your weed stash. Hopefully that would calm some of your nerves. You hadn't smoked weed in about 3 months. You only did it when you were feeling stressed or sad. And in this moment, you were both. Once you found it you got back up from off the floor and went to your desk. You opened your window quickly rolled a blunt and took your lighter, and baked the blunt. You put it up to your lips and inhaled. Almost immediately feeling more relaxed. After you were done smoking, you threw the rest of the blunt out of your window and closed it. Well you definitely weren't going back to sleep but at least those thoughts you had earlier were gone. Your mind was blank. You yawned and opened your bedroom door quietly, tip toeing to the bathroom that was across the hall. Once you got into the bathroom you closed the door and went to the toilet. You sat down on the seat and did whatever you needed to do. You looked down at your underwear and saw blood, you realized you got your period and fake cried dramatically. "Are you actually kidding me." You whispered and grabbed a tampon/pad. (wtv you use 😭)

As soon as you were done doing your business, you washed your hands and walked out of the bathroom, now going to the kitchen. You opened the fridge and took out the water pitcher and set it down on the counter. You opened a cabinet and got a glass cup, also putting that on the counter. You grabbed the pitcher and poured water into the cup. You put the pitcher back in the fridge and grabbed your cup going back into your bedroom.

You shut the door and walked to your closet l, picking out a new pair of underwear since the other one got dirty. Once you put your fresh pair of underwear on you went to your bed and sat down. You just stared at your wall and spaced out, you were obviously high. Not that bad but still, you were.

After a few minutes of eyeing down your wall, you got bored so you walked over to your bookcase and pulled out your year book from fourth grade. You scrolled through the pages and found your class. You smiled looking at little you. Your eyes traced every person on the page and then stopped at Bruce. Little fourth grade Bruce. Your smile dropped almost immediately. That same wave of sadness you felt earlier came back. You just felt so bad for Bruce. You had a gut feeling that he wasn't coming home. And it broke your heart. Bruce was such a sweet boy.

"Nope Y/n. Don't get sad. Don't get sad." You repeated to yourself trying to calm down.

You closed the yearbook quickly and put it back on your book case.  You went back to your bed and sat back down. You turned your neck to look at the clock, the time was now 5:01 am. You decided you might as well just lay down for the next hour, you didn't want to get ready until it was 6am because that's how you always had done it. You hated breaking your routine. You got under your covers and started to slowly drift to sleep.

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