Chapter three.

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"Boredom got a new best friend, 'Cause boredom got a new best friend."
boredom-tyler the creator.

After a few minutes of walking, you arrived at the Blake's house. Nervously, you knocked on the door waiting for someone to answer.

You waited a second or two before Gwen opened the door with a big smile on her face. You smiled back at her.

"Hey Y/n! Come on in! Robin and Finney are in the kitchen. My dad is at work so it'll just be us!" Gwen said walking off leaving the door open for you.

"Okay thank you!" You said walking in with her, you closed the door then went to the kitchen to see Robin and Finney talking to each other.

"Oh hey Y/n! Come sit with us." Finney said smiling.

You sat next to Finney and put down your backpack on the ground, getting comfortable in your seat.

Robin was across from you, he had a little smirk on his face. Why? I don't even know but it pissed you off.

"Hi Arellano." You said grabbing stuff you need from your bag to study.

(Last name)
"Hi L/N, so you're bad at math too?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"I guess I am. Do we have the same home work?" You asked looking at his paper.

"Yep we do." You replied to yourself.

"Robin got us some snacks and soda, do you want anything?" Finney asked getting up from his seat.

"Oh sure! What do you have?" You asked looking up at Finney.

"Reese's pieces, ring pops, barbecue flavored pringles, and for drinks I got Mr Pibb and Mello yello." Robin said leaning back in his chair.

"Okay thanks, but I asked Finney not you." You replied.

"Oh cmon guys don't start fighting now! Can we just try and all get along tonight? I've had a stressful day. And I don't need to have two teenagers arguing in my house!" Finney said sounding annoyed.

"Fine. I'll have Mr pibb and a ring pop please." You said putting your elbows on the table.

"Thank you Y/n. Robin?" Finney looked at you then to Robin.

"I'll try." Robin said rolling his eyes.

"Great. Y/n why don't you and Robin talk about the homework while I get your stuff? Asked Finney.


"Mhm." Robin said nodding his head.

You turned to Robin only to see him already looking at you. You and him made eye contact for a second before you spoke.

"Okay so we should probably talk about the parts we don't understand don't you think?" You asked grabbing your paper and looking at it closely.

"I mean I guess, all I know is that I don't know what the fuck I'm doing." Robin said chuckling.

You smiled at him then started talking about the stuff you didn't understand.

Finney came back with your stuff and set it down on the table. "Here you go Y/n." He said sitting back down.

"Thanks Finney." You thanked him.

"Oh don't thank me, Robin is the one who got this stuff." Finney pointed out.

You rolled your eyes and looked at Robin. "Thank you Arellano." You said sarcastically.

"You're welcome Y/n. Although I didn't even know you were coming until like an hour ago so I didn't even get this stuff for you." Robin said shrugging, then shoving a chip in his mouth looking back at his homework.

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