Chapter eight.

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"I fucking hate you, but I love you. I'm bad at keeping my emotions bubbled. You're good at being perfect, we're good at being troubled."
IFHY- Tyler the creator, Pharrell William's.

TW: Mentions of being drugged, underaged drinking, and vomiting.

You arrived at the party, after about a 30 minute drive. Marco just put on the radio, so you didn't really talk. Just listened to the music. Although Robin tried talking to you, you were zoned out. Thinking about how you were gonna tell him you like him. At what time should you do it? Should you kiss him like he did with you? Should you do it at the beginning of the party or end? Oh god. What if he doesn't like you anymore?

"We are here! Don't drink to much." Marco said chuckling.

"Thank you for driving us Tio." Robin said unbuckling his seat belt, you and Finney did the same.

"Ah it's no problem, sobrino." Marco smiled and you all got out of the car.

There were already a lot of people, a bunch of cars were parked in front of the house. 

"Do you think Donna is gonna be here?" Finney asked nervously.

"Probably. Her friends said they were gonna be here, so i'm sure she will be too." Robin replied walking into the house.

Finney nodded, while following you and Robin.

The house was a lot bigger than yours, almost looked like a mansion.

You looked around and saw people already drinking. You planned on not drinking but it looked very intimidating. Maybe you'd have just a drink or two.

"Yo Robin! Wasup bro." A guy said, doing a handshake with Robin.

"Hey! Long time no see." Robin said.

"Yeah. Who are these people?" The guy asked.

"Oh yeah. This is Finney. And that's Y/n." Robin said pointing to you and Finney.

"Ah nice. I'm Gabe." He said.

"Nice to meet you." You said smiling.

"Yeah, are you Robin's girl?" Gabe asked you.

"Oh no. I'm just a friend." You replied awkwardly.

"Oh okay. Might have to snatch you up then. You're gorgeous." Gabe winked.

You laughed and then felt Robin grab onto your arm, pulling you away from Gabe.

"Uh, bye." Finney said following you and Robin.

"Cmon. Let's go." Robin said, getting slightly annoyed.

"Why? I liked him."

"He's annoying. He'll probably try to hook up with you." Robin stated.

You scoffed. "No he won't. He seems sweet."

"Whatever, Y/n. I'm just trying to help you." Robin said.

"It's fine Robin. I don't need your help." You responded.

Robin just rolled his eyes and went to his other friends, leaving you and Finney together.

You looked around again and started to get anxious. There was a lot of people.

"Hey, you okay?" Finney asked.

"Yeah. This is just a little overwhelming." You chuckled nervously.

"It's alright. I won't let anything happen to you." Finney said, giving you a comforting hug.

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