Chapter two.

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"Are we still friends? Can we be friends?Are we still friends? Can we be.. Can we be friends?"
are we still friends?- tyler the creator.

"Okay and thats it for this class today, make sure you have your home work turned in tomorrow." The teacher said smiling at us all.

You sighed in relief knowing that math was over.

"Jesus I can't believe we already have homework." You said to Finney picking up my things. "Yeah Mr Smith is crazy." Finney said agreeing with you.

You got up from my chair about to head out of the class room before you remembered what you were gonna ask Finney earlier.

"Hey I forgot to ask, hows Gwenny?" You asked.

"Maybe you should ask her that." He said with a half smile.

You frowned at that sentence turning back around to leave the class room, but Finney got in front of me not letting you leave.

"Finney let me go." You demanded trying to get out of the room.

"Oh cmon Y/n you and Gwen need to make up, you guys were best friends! And I know she misses you.. We both do." Finney said almost yelling.

"Fine. I'll talk to her myself. What's her next class?" You replied ready to leave.

"History with Mrs Martin."

"Okay can you let me go now?" You asked still slightly annoyed.

"Yeah sure." Finney said laughing while moving out of the way.

(Btw guys I think Gwen is two years younger than Finney in the movie but in this she's only gonna be one year younger just cause its more convenient for the story. I could be wrong tho maybe she is just a year younger. But she's gonna be a freshman in this. ANYWAYS CONTINUE READING)

You finally walked out the classroom heading to Gwens.

You and Gwen were friends for 4 years before you guys got into a big fight and stopped hanging out with each other. You think you were just very mad and sad when you guys had that fight. Mostly because your mom had just died. You don't really know what to do when your sad, you tend to get overwhelmed and stressed. Honestly you don't really remember what our fight was about. Well maybe you remember a little.

"You've changed Y/n! It's like you're not even the same person. And you won't even let me help you when you're sad." Gwen yelled

"I don't need your help Gwen! I'm still the same me!" You shouted tears streaming down your face.

"No you're not! You're always sad and it makes me sad that you won't let me help you! I just want to help you Y/n." Gwen shouted back at you, her starting to cry also.

"Just because my mom died doesn't make me different Gwen." You said softly trying to calm down.

"I- I don't need your help, I'm fine." You said again.

"If you don't let me help you, I'm not gonna be friends with you anymore. It isn't fair for me to just be your way of getting over your mom. I get it. I really do. But you need help Y/n. You're depressed, and the only way to fix that is if you get help. So either get help, or stop being friends with me." She yelled. 

"Fuck you Gwen. Just because your mom died too doesn't mean you get it. Now get the fuck out of my room. I never want to see you again." You pointed to the door referring to her getting out.

You guys never talked after that, only ever glanced at each other in the halls at school. But here we are. About to talk to her after 2 years.

Her class was across the school so you had to really speed walk so you wouldn't be late.

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