Chapter seven.

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Darling, darling, darling. It's no need to worry. It's just a couple things.
(Just a couple things on my brain, you know?)
BEST INTEREST- Tyler the creator

It had now been a month since you and Robin kissed. It had also now been a month since Bruce went missing. Everyone just forgot about him, which was just sad. Not even the teachers would talk about him. They don't know for sure he's dead but everyone thinks so.

Ever since Robin told you to leave his house, you haven't talk to him since. He'd only glance at you in the halls at school. And he'd just ignore you at lunch when he sat with you, Finney, and Gwen.

Now, Robin was dating Rachel. Which you hated. You were jealous and mad that wasn't you. But it was your fault. You could've said you like him back, but you were scared.

Although he's dating someone, does he still like you? You shouldn't be thinking about him as much as you were.

But anyways, it was now Thursday morning and you were getting ready for school. You curled your eyelashes and put on mascara. You looked close up to the mirror, making sure you didn't get any on your eyelid or anything. After you were done in the bathroom you went out into the kitchen and had cereal.

A few minutes later, you and Gray were done eating breakfast so you left the house. Now on the way to pick up Vance like you did every day.

"Do you still have a crush on Alexa?" You asked Gray while walking up Vance's steps.

"No. She likes someone else. And I think I like someone new anyways." Gray responded, following you.

"Awe i'm sorry buddy. Who's your new crush?"

"Her names Rory. She's really pretty."

"Nice. Is she in your class?"

"Yep. She just moved here."

"That's cool." You said knocking on Vance's door.

Vance didn't answer, someone else did. It was a man, very tall with a beard. He smelled like alcohol.

"What?" The man said.

"Um is Vance here?" You asked nervously.

"VANCE!" The man yelled.

You jumped from the sudden loudness.

You and Gray waited awkwardly at the door when you heard footsteps approaching you. It was Vance, he looked tired.

"Can you not talk to them?" Vance asked the man. The man looked pissed and just walked away.

"Hey, Good morning." Vance said closing the door behind him as he walked out of the house.

"Hi. Who's that?" You asked walking down the steps.

"Oh it's my moms new boyfriend. He's a dick." Vance said as he walked with you and Gray.

"What's a d-dick?" Gray asked innocently.

"Oh lord. It's nothing, Gray." You said.

"Okay." Gray shrugged and started skipping along the sidewalk like he always did.

"How's your morning been?" Vance asked.

"It's been okay. How about you?"

"Yeah mines been good."

"Really? You look really tired Vance."

"No i'm fine. Don't worry about me."

You nodded and looked at the sky, it was very bright. The sun was beaming right on you.

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