For The Fallen Ones

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Jungkook woke up after a few seconds. His soft warm bed made him sit up in shock. He had been in water so how could he be dry? How could he be in bed for that matter? He grabbed his phone seeing the date.
April 11
How could this be? How could he have gone back in time? That voice that spoke to him said he could save them. What did it mean? Was this their fate? To die and leave the world behind?

He couldn't believe it and yet he was sitting here on his bed apparently untouched by the pain and cold of the car crash. His phone rang when this revolation hit that he had in fact been sent back in time.

He could save them, he had to.

Picking up the phone to his ear he answered.

“Hello?” he asked.

“Hello is this Jeon Jungkook?” said a female voice.

“Yes,” Jungkook said.

“I have a friend of yours here. Your marked down as the emergency contact. Apparently you're his brother. So he would be jeon seokjin? Is that correct” she asked.

Jungkooks heart dropped, “No i am like his brother but his name is Kim Seokjin… i… i am his only family though”.

There was silence before she spoke a little softer, “How old are you sir?”.

“18” he lied.

“Well if you'd like to come down to the hos..”

“What's wrong with him?” Jungkook asked, “Please tell me”.

“I think you should hear this in person,” she said.

“No please tell me now,” Jungkook said, rushing to get dressed.

“I really think it wou..” she started.

“I understand what you think ma'am but..” he stumbled out the door, dropping his phone. He swiftly picked it back up as she asked if he was okay, “Tell me please I'm on my way but tell me now”.

He ran. He ran faster than he's ever ran in his life. When he was with the others he would run or when he was late to school he would run. Now he couldn't waste any time.

“The news we are about to give must be said in person” said the women, “we'll see you soon”.

The phone clicked indicating she had hung up. Jungkook swore as he stopped at the bus stop. Waiting for what seemed like forever the bus came and he jumped in.

He sat down but could not calm his mind. He tapped his foot impatiently watching his surroundings. The bus stopped a block away from the hospital. Quickly he jumped the steps and started running again. Finally he reached the doors of the hospital. No one occupied any of the seats except one man who looked like a doctor.

“Hello, who are you?” he asked.

“Jeon Jungkook sir, where is Kim Seokjin? '' he asked breathlessly.

“Calm down son” he said, “breathe”.

“I'll breathe when you tell me where he is” Jungkook trying his best to catch his breath.

The doctor sighed and led him out of the waiting room. Through the elevator and hallways they reached a room. The doctor opened the door and there lay jin. He was hooked up to various machines.

Jungkook's heart sank for the 5th time that day. Those were obviously keeping Jin alive.

“He's in a coma” the doctor said, “There's apparent brainwave activity however he wont wake up for a while. I’m very sorry young man”.

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