18.) Head Over Heels

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Hunter || The Golden Guard

I think about her for the whole night. Until I can see my alarm about to go off in ten minutes. But then, I go right back to thinking about her. I can't believe they kissed me. And that I liked it so much, that I never wanted to pull away from them. It's just been replaying in my mind for hours on end.

How pretty her sigh was, how warm her lips were, everything. It made my head spin. I've never felt anything like it and especially the feeling in my heart. It lurched so hard when they kissed me. Just thinking of her makes my heart swell. And oh my titan, the look in her eyes right before. So soft and perfect and real. I could look at their eyes forever if they'd let me.

I try to think about that instead of the doubts in my mind. Because right after the kiss she ran away. Maybe I did it wrong, maybe she didn't want to and I made them uncomfortable. That thought only makes the fact that I want to do it again feel gross and terrible. Why else would she run away? They're usually cocky and bold around me but then Y/N ran from me. Literally ran, sprinted out of the room.

Now that I know what to expect, I want to do it again. Differently this time. I didn't know what to do with my hands and I definitely didn't know how I was supposed to kiss her. But what if I just fucked up one of the only friendships I have? The best one, my favorite one. Technically they're the only person I talk to who are my age. Gus is twelve and Willow is fifteen.

Then, my alarm goes off. I turn over and groan into my pillow. I'm sure this is about to be the worst day of my life. I start going through my usual morning routine quickly. Got dressed, brushed my hair, and teeth, put my shoes and gloves on, and thought about Y/N. This is torture. It's like my senses have been heightened, I can hear every footstep in her room and even a sneeze.

We have to go see my uncle this morning. I'm gonna be in the same room as her. Somehow it still feels too soon. Like I need another couple of hours to breathe before I see her or hear her voice again. Speaking of voices, I have never heard myself sound so desperate than when I asked them to kiss me. Maybe that's what freaked them out.

I decide to shove everything down and leave. Hopefully, before she does. I practically throw open my door open only to see that she's just done the same. Our eyes meet and I feel my heart skip a beat. They turn around to close their door and I realize I have to do the same. But since I hesitated, she starts walking one second ahead of me. But it's not enough to make a real distance between us.

We walk side by side through the empty hallways. Not very fast either to give my uncle some time to wake up. I give her secret glances, just wanting to talk to her. What did I do wrong? Because I definitely didn't want to make them upset. Oh my titan, what if I bit her?

"Did I do something wrong? Did I accidentally bite you or something?" I blurt out.

"HUH?" She stops walking and turns to
look at me.

"I mean, I've never bit anyone before, I don't think. Well, I've never kissed anyone before either. Until you I guess. Maybe my instincts went crazy and I bit you. Are you okay? I'm so sorry." I start rambling.

"No, no, you didn't bite me. Everything's fine." She shakes her head with wide eyes.

"Why did you run away? Did you not want to? Did I make you uncomfortable? I didn't mean to." I try but she keeps shaking her head.

"I did want to and you didn't make me uncomfortable. I just ran away because I was embarrassed, alright? Because we still have issues and I kissed you anyways. And you said it yourself, you've never kissed anyone and I took that away from you. From picking someone better, someone who doesn't make you so angry." She rants.

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