To Love a Colonel

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     All characters and content other than my own belongs to the makers of 'The Patriot' :) Since this is my first historical romance I hope you all enjoy and let me know what you think! I love feedback :)



     June 6th, 2012

    Ohio University

     "Get up! You don't want to be late for moving and the festival!" My friend Victoria shouted as she shook me awake.

     I groaned and pushed my curls from my face," I thought the day after graduation was supposed to be relaxing time for grads." sitting up in bed I glared at her," And the festival isn't for another seven hours Tori."

     Tori laughed and crossed her arms," You know, for a history grad I thought you'd be more excited about the festival."

     I rolled my eyes," I am excited. I just value having the right amount of sleep so I don't feel the need to hurt anyone."

     Before she could say anything I stood and went over to my closet, pulling out the heavy colonial dress I asked," Okay, remind me what my role for today is?"

     Tori sat down on my bed and pulled out a folded piece of paper and started to read," First, you have to pack your things for your move to Boston." she looked around at all my boxes," I can see you've already done that." she watched as I started taking the dress off the hanger," Next, you have to remember to bring your night bag since you're leaving right after the festival." she frowned.

     I looked over at her and sighed," You know I start that new job on Monday." when she folded her arms and pouted I said," Fine. On top of coming back to visit as much as I can, you can have free reign with my hair today."

     Tori jumped up off my bed and clapped her hands," Andrea Calliope Stone! You are the best friend a girl could ever ask for!" she then grabbed me and shoved me into her vanity seat and rubbed her hands together," Let's get this started."

Seven hours later**************

     "You are the queen of cosmotology for sure Tori." I said as I looked at my reflection, amazed at what she had done with my curls. Every raven ringlet was shining in the lights, half of my hair pinned up as the rest spilled over my right shoulder. 

     I stood and straightened my long, purple and black colonial gown and looked in the mirror. I looked like I had stepped right off the pages of one of my history books. Even though the dress was heavy and tight, I wouldn't mind wearing it for the festival tonight but I think it would be torture if I had to wear a corset every day.

     Tori sighed and rested her head on her hand," You look ready for a romance novel." when I laughed she met my eyes," Well it's true! You look like you were made for that time of ladies and lords and epic loves."

     Shaking my head I laughed," Yea right. If I can't get a guy in this time, I doubt I would be able to get one in the 1770's." I giggled," But it would be fun to visit."

     We both laughed and grabbed our bags. As we left our dorm and made our way down to the main floor, I bumped into someone and had to grab the wall to stop from teetering backwards. I looked down and realized that I had almost plowed down one of the students from my tutoring lessons this past year.

    "I'm so sorry Scarlette! I didn't see you there, here let me help you." I bent as much as I could in the confining corset and took her hand, pulling her to her feet. Scarlette was a quiet goth with a talent for wiccan magic. I had met her when she asked for my help in her history classes and we had ended up friends.

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