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Hey everyone! Here's another chapter, I hope you like it :) All characters and content other than my own belong to the makers of 'The Patriot' ! Let's get started :D


Colonel Tavington's POV*******************

The early morning breeze was cool and crisp, showing the first sign that winter was quickly on its way to us. Many of the other Dragoons were out and about, playing cards in the stables or dueling on the front lawn. One Dragoon in particular was missing from the scene at the moment though. I wonder if they've already begun without me, I thought, remembering that Andrea was going to meet with Cornwallis this morning.

By the time I had passed through the main hall, making my way around the large crates of supplies, the Lietenants office was oddly busy. Sounds of annoyed conversation made its' way to my ears with every silent step I took towards the double mahogany doors.

" I understand your concern Captain but you will wear a dress to this ball." I heard Cornwallis chuckle when a female coughed," I do apologize for the current fashions here by the way. We will have to work with what we have."

I frowned, There is a dress fitting happening?, I thought before leaning in to gaze through the small crack in the door and almost laughed out loud at the sight that greeted me. Cornwallis stood in front of his small desk, his hands folded behind his back and a pleased smile on his face. The focus of his attention was perched on a raised pedestal, arms folded at the elbows as she tugged and scratched at the confining corset.

Andrea weezed in frustration," Why in the hell did they make this so tight?!" she coughed again and tried to reach the strings in the back to no avail," I can hardly breathe in this thing."

Cornwallis shook his head and seemed as if he was holding back his laughter as he glanced at the offending corset," Haven't you worn such an item before?"

A look of annoyance flashed across her beautiful face," Yes I have but it's never been this tight before." she sighed and rested her hands on her hips before looking directly at me, her green eyes piercing," It's rude to stand there and evesdrop Colonel. Do come in and join this torture session."

Standing up straight, I pushed the doors open the rest of the way and stepped inside," I do apologize, I did not think you would want me to inturrupt your dress fitting." I nodded to Cornwallis," I thought Lady Charlette would be a part of this?"

" She is, her fitting is to be after Captain Stone's." he chuckled and nodded to someone standing just behind my left shoulder," Seamstress Marina has been trying to work with Captain Stone to prepare her dress for the ball. But as you can see, once she laced and tied the corset, things went all to hell."

The poor seamstress attempted to approach Andrea yet again with her needles and thread only to stop short when her client bared her teeth," Touch me again with that kit of yours and you'll be missing a few digits."

I couldn't hold back the laughter when I watched the look of horror on the dress makers face. The small woman look terrified to even go near Andrea," Lieutenant, why don't we allow Captain Stone to make her own dress? I fear that if we do not the lives of the other dress makers may be at stake." I smirked when Andrea narrowed her eyes at me.

Andrea tossed her long mane of glossy curls over her shoulder and marched down from the pedestal and plucked the thread and needle from the shaking woman," That sounds like an amazing idea Colonel. I do warn you both though, my type of style will probably be a little different than what you're used to seeing." she added before she started pulling out yards of maroon and ivory silk as well as golden lace.

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