baby steps

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     I'm so sorry for making you guys wait this long! All characters and content belongs to the movie 'The Patriot'! Except for my own! I also included a picture of Elijah Stone in the sidebar, in case you're wondering who that handsome guy is :) Enjoy :)



      I pressed my hand to my chest, attempting to slow my racing heart," William. What are you doing in here?" I lit the last of the candles on the right side of the room and tried to collect my thoughts.

     Hearing him stand, I looked at him from the corner of my eye and noticed that he was only wearing his vest and linen shirt. He folded his arms and continued to watch me," I heard you hurry up the stairs. Was there a problem?"

      For some reason I suddenly felt nervous and clasped my hands together behind my back while shaking my head," There were no problems. I was just in high spirits from my visit with Diana." I forced a smile and faced him," Nothing to worry about at all."

     William nodded to himself and came to stand in front of me, his expression serious but I could see a hint of curiousity in his eyes," And how was your visit with Diana? I would hope it went well."

     I sighed and acted calm," It was interesting. I think I was just happy to spend time with a woman who is so much like my friends." I shrugged and stepped around him and took my jacket off," I forgot how serious things are now compared to my old life."

     A hand grabbed my wrist when I reached for my bag," What kind of weapon is this." William snapped while pulling my gun and houlster away from my left side.

       " It's a gun." I pulled away from him and unstrapped my houlster, setting it on the bed along with my leather jacket," It's small because I needed something easy to hide." I raised a brow at him," You never answered my question."

         William sighed but his gaze didn't leave my face," I was sent here to inform you that there is going to be a formal ball at the end of the week."

          I frowned when he didn't say anymore about it," And? I highly doubt that I would be called to stand guard during the event." I walked behind the dressing screen and began to change into my own loose linen shirt," Why are they even having a ball anyway?"

          " Lieutenant mentioned that it would be a good way for everyone to relax." he paused and I heard him take a step closer to the dressing screen," It is also Charlette's birthday. She wants all of the Dragoons to attend as guests for our valor in the recent battle."

            I laughed and shook my head," Of course she does. And I'm guessing she wants us all dressed in our best?" There is no way I'm wearing another one of those tight, uncomfortable colonial dresses. No. Way.

                          " Of course." I sighed in relief until he continued," But you on the other hand, will be expected to wear a gown." William then had the nerve to smirk at me.

             Damn. " Why should I wear a gown? I am not a noble woman, I am a simple Dragoon," I folded my arms and sat down on the bed," Nothing more."

              William chuckled and waved his hand through the air in front of me," There is nothing simple about you Andrea Stone. Cornwallis wishes to honor you and since the other generals will be there, they will want to meet you in person." he shook his head as if something impossible just crossed his mind," They have informed Cornwallis of your new name, Crimson Valkyrie."

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