raids and defense

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All characters and content from the movie 'The Patriot' do not belong to me! I hope you all enjoy :)



     Waking up in the 1770's is a weird feeling altogether. I was so used to the sound of talking students and the insitent tapping of Tori's computer. My eyes opened at that memory. Tori, the only friend that I had actually made since my brother had died. I had only been in this time for two weeks and I already missed her terribly. I felt so alone without my best friend here to pester me.

     I sat up in the huge bed and rubbed the back of my neck. The sun had just started to come up and since there was silence all around the mansion, I had a guess that none of the other soldiers were awake yet. Good, maybe I could get a maid to bring me a bath before someone decides to come and ask me to train, I thought. There had been a lot of that lately. Ever since I beat Bordon and earned my way into the Dragoons, almost everyone was lining up to fight me. It had turned training into a full time thing! My shoulders were so sore that it felt like a task just to lift them in order to put a shirt on.

     Sliding out of the bed, I went over to the side of my desk where two satin ropes hung from the wall. One was for food and the other for a bath. I reached up and pulled the one for the bath, it rang back twice which meant that they would bring it in twenty minutes. I sighed and let my hair out of the ribbon that held it back and my long curls bounced down my back. I started to cross the room when the door burst open and Colonel Tavington strode in. By the look on his face I guess that he thought I would be sleeping covered from head to toe.

     He cleared his throat a few times before looking away and saying," Where is your night gown."

     Laughing, I slipped my riding pants on and tapped him on his shoulder," I don't own one Colonel. And I wasn't expecting anyone to barge into my room at this time of the morning." I folded my arms and couldn't get the grin to leave my face as he turned back to me.

     Tavington eyed my baggy linen shirt and loose curls," Why would you sleep like that?" even though I could see his high cheek bones starts to pinken.

     I put my hands on my hips and countered," Why would a man come into a room like that if he wasn't sure a lady was presentable?" when he scowled at me I laughed and said," We are now serving together Colonel, which means that we will be camping together in the near future. I suggest you get used to having me around."

     Tavington rolled his eyes," I came to tell you that your uniform is ready." he straightened his sword," Be ready by noon. We leave for our first mission today." he then turned on his heel and left.

     I shook my head and laughed. The maids with the bath came in then and I don't think I've ever been so happy to see a tub of hot water in my life. As they set down the tub, Officer O'Hara came in, my uniform in his hands.

     He smiled at me," Your uniform is ready my lady."

     I came forward and took the outfit from his hands, feeling the heavy wool," Excellent." I smiled at him," This is perfect. I thank you Officer."

     He bowed slightly and left the room for me to get ready. I turned and put my new uniform on my bed. I thanked the maids who smiled and left as well. Pulling my night bag from under my bed I took out my shampoo, conditioner and bar of soap. After I closed and locked my door I stripped and quickly made my way into the bath.

     I sighed," Heaven." I started to wash my hair, then my body, the smell of lavender and roses filled the room. Once I was done washing up and I felt squeaky clean, I sat back in the warm water and thought about what was going to happen today. If my memory was correct, there would have been a battle in the countryside last night. We would have to go and round up the wounded and take care of any loose ends. And knowing Tavington, loose ends meant killing the people who helped our men.

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