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       Here's the big Ball chapter!! Are you all ready for it? Let's get started :) All characters and content belongs to the makers of ' The Patriot'


Andrea's POV**********

      "Remind me why I agreed to go to this event?" I asked to no one in particular as I fiddled with the strings of my corset," Can you help me with this monster of an invention while I finish my hair? I feel like I'm getting no where and time is slipping by."

      Charlette laughed and took hold of the two-foot long strings," You're lucky I was ready before you were. My shoulders and forearms still hurt from all those exercise!" she tightened the lower half and smirked," I'm glad you started teaching me today. I feel like learning to defend myself is becoming a needed talent with the way the world is today."

       If only I could tell her about the way things are in the future, I thought wryly. Sure, there were certain things that I missed about the future. Tori, Scarlette, our random trips during school breaks, being able to wear jeans on a daily basis. The breeze from the open window made my bare shoulders break out in goose bumps and I shook off the chills.

      The ball was set to begin in less than an hour and here I was, still fussing  around, failing to understand what it meant to be girly," Do you think I should go with it all up or keep it down?" I shook out my curls and frowned at my reflection.

      Charlette stared at me and sunk her fingers in my hair before saying," I think you should just put half of it up. You always have it bound in a braid like the other Dragoons, I think it would shock everyone if you'd let your curls loose." we both laughed at that.

       While Charlette finished lacing my corset, I separated the upper layers of my hair and tied it with a golden ribbon. There's only one thing left to add to pull my entire look together. I went over to my jewelery box and pull out the locket my brother had given to me. The gold glimmered in the dim firelight, making the flames seem to dance within the polished metal and jade. Feeling my heart warm at the memories, I closed the clasp around my neck and let it rest above the top of my corset.

       When I tossed my curls behind my shoulders I heard Charlette let out a small gasp," That is beautiful! Who gave you such a beautiful necklace?" her slim fingers fluttered over it as if she was afraid she'd break it if she touched it.

      " My brother gave it to me for our sixteenth birthday." I smiled and opened the locket to she her the picture I kept preserved so well.

      She smiled while staring at Elijah's picture," He looks just like you. Both of you look like you have a story behind your eyes." noticing my smile she asked," Do you still talk to him? I still talk to my grandmother, though she's been gone for three years. "

       My smile faltered as I tried to hold onto it," Of course," I rubbed the locket," Though I wish he was here with me everyday, it doesn't stop me from speaking to him." I took a deep breath and straightened my shoulders," Are you ready for this?"

       Charlette gave me a watery smile and hugged me tightly," Tonight is going to be very special for you, I can feel it."

Colonel Tavington's POV*******

      The night was calm, the air cooled to the point of causing each attendants breath to smoke. Only half of the Dragoons were present, the rest were either on guard or back at the main camp. Except for one soldier in particular.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2015 ⏰

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