Getting to know her {Colonel Tavington's POV}

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     All characters and content belongs to the movie 'The Patriot'! I am so psyched to write this chapter :) Enjoy!


Tavington's POV***********

     The morning after our return was the begining of a very bizzare week. All was quiet in the mansion while I was preparing for the day.

     After a hot bath and dressing I sat on the bed and began to brush my hair and think on recent events. In the past two months things have done a complete, and unexpected  turnabout. I was no longer in charge of leading a legion of men. Now it included a small, strong willed woman. I thought back to when I had first encountered her.

     While on my way back from south end of Charleston I had spotted her walking towards the town hall. She was dressed in an elegant violet and black gown that had made her hair and ivory skin stand out like moonlight. I hadn't been able to take my eyes off her as she watched me approach, never breaking her stride towards the front stairs. Upon stopping at the foot of the stairs I followed her, determind to find out what her business was only to be surprised when she boldly told me to watch my words, all the while spearing me with a pair of bright clover green eyes. 

     From then on Andrea Stone had never stopped proving herself to me, showing me that she was able to carry her own. Once I had seen her in combat against Bordon, my views of her being weak and easily disposed of had quickly been erased. Andrea fought better than most men on the battllefield, with more concentration and fierce determination than I had ever seen in my many years in the King's army. After being in such close quarters with her I had come to know her better, no matter how small of a percentage that may be.

     I plaited my hair and began to wrap it, begining to wonder about what drew me to her like a moth to a flame. Andrea was obviously beautiful, past the point of stunning with her intelligent bright eyes, long cascading midnight curls, fair skin and small, curving body. I had seen many beautiful women in my life but none had kept my attention like she had with her wit and cunning common sense. Many women these days were no more than something pretty to look at and nothing more. Andrea proved to be much more than that and her reservations about sharing her complete history made her all the more interesting. A puzzling challenge to solve and I had a feeling that it was not going to be easy.

     With my hair now in its' proper form I stood and began to don my vest and jacket. I walked over to the window to look out and found the very subject of my pondering standing out on the front lawn. I moved closer to the window and noticed that she was contorting her body in odd forms in what I assummed to be her way of streching. What an odd one she is indeed, I thought as I strapped my belts onto my body and began walking out to meet her.

          On my way through the mansion I encountered young lady Charlette. She was standing by the hall window looking out to watch Andrea with avid fasination, she spoke to me without taking her eyes off her idol," Good morning Colonel Tavington. I hope you slept well."

     I nodded to her in greeting even though she could not see me do so," Good morning to you as well my lady, I did sleep well, thank you." I approached her and we watched Andrea together," I see you have taken Captain Stone as your role model."

     Charlette glanced at me and nodded quickly, a bright smile of her face,"Oh indeed Colonel. She is amazing! I have never met a woman who has been brave enough to fight in war before." she looked amazed as she turned back to the window.

     I folded my hands behind my back," She is indeed an impressive lady. Not one to be encountered in battle if one wishes to keep their life."

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