Part 2 ( do u understand?)

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The evening...

All gathered by the fire except Kie. JJ saw her sitting on the rock near the shore and looked at waves. He  approached her.

JJ: Hey! You go?
Kiara (still looking at waves): in a couple of minutes.

JJ noticed she was upset and sat next to her.

JJ: Kie, are you okay? (Worriedly)


Kiara looked down.

Kiara: I don't know... I was worried because of you! Stupid! ( seriously)
JJ: Kie(smiled) It just was a joke ...

Kiara looked at him angrily .

Kiara: But because of your "joke"(emphasized) I had the same feelings like when you almost drown...and I was not in the mood for fun at all (seriously looked at him) JJ we ended up on a deserted island and who knows how long we will be here, maybe we will never come back at all,u know... And we have only each other. And it's very important for all of us,u know...So it is not appropriate to joke at such a time, J...
JJ: Oh,Kie(tenderly hugged her) I'm sorry... I am just stupid boy...(smiled)
Kie(with a smirk): Yeah,you're...
JJ: I promise i that it will never happen anymore....
Kiara: Fine.(hugged him in response)


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