• twenty seven •

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hold on,

I've got a feeling like this is almost over


Harry Styles

"Where the hell is everyone?" I ask over my shoulder as I secure rope over the man's hands behind the back of the chair.

"Zayn's in the other unit making some phone calls and Miles should be here soon." Ni mumbles without looking up from his phone. I nod – not that he could see – as I pull the rope taut causing the man to flinch and mumble into the duct tape over his mouth.

I stand up brushing the dust off my black jeans and making my way over to a table off to the side. The storage unit doesn't get much use besides the obvious storage purposes and whenever I decide to take business here, allowing for dust to accumulate like no other.

It's one of the many properties that my father bought out for this exact purpose. Different discreet warehouses, buildings and units are scattered across various counties to my disposal.

I don't come to this building often, it's too far from the main city that the drive never seemed worth it, leaving nothing but dust and boxes to pile up.

Except right now that is exactly what I need.

To get away from everything.

For the past week I've thrown myself into work, running through the lists of names like I would a pack of cigarettes. I kept myself busy in order to avoid thinking about how fucked I was when it came to Thea.

There's no way I could tell her everything, she deserves the truth but this is something else entirely.

Thea is a light.

There's something about her that I recognized the moment I laid my eyes upon her. Something pure and gentle stored underneath the front she tries to put up for everyone else. It's impossible not to see the way it shines through her eyes, telling you a completely different story than the one she wants you to know.

She was raised in a cold hearted environment and she was thought to be the same, but that's big who she is.

She wants to see the best in everyone and everything, it's in her nature to look for the good she was never given.

All I wanted was to give her the good parts of me because that's what she deserves. She has already been surrounded by so much darkness her whole life and it has yet to dim her one bit.

Through it all she still manages to shine like the moon.

Like the moon I've seen her evolve. Go through phases where both light and dark take over. Like the moon I've seen her rise night after night, strong enough to overtake the darkness and add so much light that one wouldn't even realize it was ever dark to begin with.

I don't want to be the cause of dulling the light she has been grasping onto for so long.

I don't want to add my darkness to hers when that's all she's ever known.

I lean over the table with my palms flat against the metal. I close my eyes allowing my mind to clear and for the little bit of light she always seems to leave behind to turn off. In order to do this I can't think of her.

Mentally the light goes out, my mind runs vacant and my conscience shuts off.

Nothing but the words taught to me by my father now run through my mind. This is business. A man has no room for emotions when it comes to business.

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