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Ana went home that night and thought about what happened. The dinner, the ghost, and the anxiety attack during dinner. She didn't know what it was but she wanted another therapist.
The next day after the dinner at Hannibal's, she felt uncertain of him. When she overthinks, she makes changes at something to make her feel stable. If she doesn't, she can't sleep for days and gets herself sick, leading to the hospital and having a psychologist come to talk to you for hours while strapped to the bed. Until you are deemed mentally stable or unstable, you spend hours unable to get out of bed. Ana hated that and going through it again is not worth missing college assignments.

She didn't feel comfortable that she saw the dead at his house either. Whether it was something or nothing, her visions tell a truth behind them.
She emailed him, apologizing for what happened at dinner and to tell him she decided on not being Dr.Lecter's patient anymore. Since he had to approve her decision since it's her right to, he did and emailed her telling her he will be finding a therapist suitable for her. Luckily, he visited the one person who he had in mind.

"I'm sorry. I appreciate that you thought about me, but I already have a patient. You." Dr. Bedelia Du Maurier is a colleague and mer friend when she isn't a therapist for Hannibal. She retired but only allowed Hannibal to be her only patient but Hannibal trusted her and knew that she would be the best for Ana.
"She doesn't want to be my patient anymore and she's barely starting the process. I believe that you can help her heal. I know that what happen with Neal was an awful tragedy but I do not have anyone better in mind for this position."

"Hannibal. I can't." Bedelia stated as they both looked at each other.
Hannibal got up and put a folder down on the coffee table. He looked at the Bedelia. "This is her file. Read it and if she's not suitable for you still , I will move on and find another." He stood up and walked out the door, leaving Bedelia with Ana's file. Two weeks later, Bedelia was now confirmed as Ana's therapist. Whatever made her change her mind, it must have been good reason.

Months passed and it felt like starting over again. New therapist, new start.

Now 5 months passed and progress has been improved with Ana. She felt better with Dr. Maurier and knowing she was only her patient was a surprising but it seemed okay. Ana discussed with her more than she could with Dr. Lecter.

It's been months since she saw Will. She remembered him looking back at her car where they both stared at each other. That moment is something she ever forgot and when she thinks about it, she felt sad. His hand on her face felt comforting and though she hasn't had an anxiety attack for a month, she always remembered him. Understanding her emotions, she felt comfort with Will and though it may not be love, it was something she wants. To be comfortable and open with another person to love.

Ana only saw Dr. Lecter once and it was at a art museum one night.

She was attending with a friend, who was a relative of the opera singer that performed that night. She sat to the right side in the middle rows while Hannibal sat to left side two rows behind the middle row. Before the performance started, He glance his eyes around and sees a familiar figure. He never seen Ana's hair up and neat or seen her wear anything elegant. It was almost hard to notice before she turned her head to the side. He saw her, in a solid satin blue slit dress. Different and she seemed better. When Ana sat and looked around the museum turning her back, she saw him. Black suit and bow tie as he was already looking at her. He gently nodded at her, greeting silently. Ana nodded back and turned to the front away from him.

When the opera performance ended, Ana and her friend, Gia, met with the singer and discussed the beautiful performance. Truly it was amazing sound and having never attending the opera in person, it felt like a dream. Gia's relative invited the girls to stay for drinks for a bit. They did and both had one drink only since one of them has to drive home. The rich talked and talked with others while the girls stayed away and browsed the art by themselves.

"Hey I need to go find the restroom. I'll be back." Gia said.
"Okay I'll be here. Be careful." Ana walked painting to painting, fascinated that these people in the room can buy a painting if they wanted.
A breeze passed behind her and gentle sound of footsteps stopped.
"Hello." Hannibal approaches next to her.
"Oh..hi." Ana greets him.
"It's been a while. You look different."

"In a bad way?" Ana joked

H: "In a good way. I never thought you would enjoy operas."

A: "I have secret interests. Not many know I like the simple things and the arts are one of those things. Music especially is something I would die for. Metaphorically."
H: "Did you come with a friend?"
A: "Yeah. They went somewhere quick. Did you enjoy the performance?"
H: "Words cannot describe how angelic her voice was."
A:"I agree. Her talent is something I wish I had, though I don't mind watching performances."
H: "Interesting. Will you excuse me? I have to go talk to an old friend of mine."
A:"Go for it. It was nice to see you again."
Ana smiled at him, forgetting she did. She turned and walked to a waiter, giving the empty champagne glass to them.
She sees Gia at the exit door and walks out with her.

That night, it was the only time she saw Dr. Lecter.

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