Chapter 1

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The sun showed loud and bright as I looked at my arm. He didn't leave a mark. I smiled as I looked at the time. It was 8:55 am. I always sent Emile his birthday messages at 9 am. I got out of my room to see my dad on the couch still sleeping. I was scared to go get food but I was hungry which was my only motivation. I made my way into the kitchen luckily I didn't make any noise I got a pop-tart and went back to my room. I then decided to start my birthday message.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BIG BROTHER. I miss you. Haven't seen you in five years. Wish I could go over and visit you. But I don't think I can. We both know I don't like airplanes. But like I said happy birthday pal.

With that done I checked the time it barely turned 9 I then sent the message. I heard my phone ring. I checked to see I got a message.

Thanks Pinkie BTW even though it's my birthday I got you something. I think it just arrived so go check the mail.


I wasn't sure what to expect but anything from Emile will be good. I walked towards the couch and saw that he was still asleep. I didn't want to wake him up but I have to ask.

"Daddy please wake up." I said shaking him a bit. I got him two pills and water like always.

"What is it now."

"I was wondering if I could go get the mail right now." I said.

"I don't see why not just be careful." He said. My dad confused me a lot. One day he is the nicest person ever then the next he is just mean. I put on my flats and opened the door. I stepped out only to get picked up.

"Missed me Pinkie." A voice said. It couldn't be. With that he put me down and I look.

"BIG BROTHER!" With that I jumped on him squeezing him in a hug. I felt tears in my eyes and a huge smile on my face. I've never been more happier in my life. I let go as a tear fell down my eye.

"You don't need to cry Pinkie. I'm here so there isn't a reason for your eyes to sweat." He said. With that I brought him inside with his stuff.

"DADDY LOOK WHO IS HERE." I yelled going to dad. Dad then got up and saw who it was.


"Hi dad." I felt it was a weird greeting but I didn't really know. Emile went to where his old room was. Dad left the house to who knows where. I decided that I should go to my room for a bit. I went to my room and went on the computer. I think I'm going to let Emile relax a bit then go bother him. I started to clean the kitchen until it was 10 am. I should check up on Emile. I left the kitchen and walked to my brothers room. His room was right across from mine. I still remember going to his room when ever I was scared. I was about to enter when I heard the doorbell ring. I ran to the door and tried checking through the peek hole but I was too short. Emile came and checked for me. He opened the door and I saw two boys who looked familiar. But I just couldn't put my finger on it.

"Kirlia! Look how much you've grown. I've missed you." The one with glasses said while picking me up. He placed me down and the other guy picked me up.

"If you don't remember us we will cut you." The one with no glasses said.

"I swear I know you guys but the names I can't remember at the moment." I said. He placed me down and let me inspect. The one with glasses had curly hair while the other one had more smooth hair. I know them for fact but there names I can remember. "Hmmmmmm I want to say Jon and Tim." I said not so sure.

"Bingo!" My big brother said. "Jon has glasses and Tim has no glasses."

"I knew it." I said. "So how long are you staying?"

"A week then I have to go back."

"Wait so where are they staying." I asked.

"I was hoping in your room?" He asked.

"I don't see why not. Follow me I'll show you my room." With that I walked to the hall. I opened my room and let them all in. "So yeah this is my room you can sleep where you want even on the wall if you feel like. I'll bunk with Emile right?"

"I mean I guess." He said.

"So it's settled. We have until 8 to party so where do you guys want to go?" I asked.

"Why not go to the park." Tim said.

"I don't see why not. There is one 10 minutes away walking." I said.

"Then let's go." Jon said. With that we got out of the house and went into a car that I guess they magically transported here. I wonder how that works. A few minutes later we arrived at the park. There was nobody at the park so I decided to tell them an idea I like to do.

"Guys since there is nobody here why don't we turn this into an obstacle course." I said.

"How?" Jon had asked.

"Like this. You would go up this slide go into the monkey bars then climb on this crawl on the monkey bars. Jumped down and onto this moving thing. Then down this slide. Then we can run to the swings. Go to highest point. Then do a flip off and that's all." I said smiling after completing it.

"How about we don't do that. I don't want to die." My big brother said.

"Oh come on how bad can it be. I'll race Jon on this course." I said.

"Hey hey hey I don't want to do this I'm with Emile." He said.

"Too bad go to that set and do it." I said dragging him over there.

"Fine." He said getting ready.

"Tim time us."

"Okay let me pull out a timer." He pulled out his phone. "In 3, 2, 1 go." I climbed up the slide and noticed that Jon was already beating me with his long feet. On the monkey bar Jon cheated since his feet could touch the ground. Totally not fair. We caught up to each other at the swing part. We were reaching our highest point. But Jon had beat me.

"Welp I tried." I said. And with that I jumped off the swing and went to give him a high five. "Not bad. Now it's Emile's and Tim's turn." I said giving a small smile.

"NOPE I'M NOT DOING IT." Emile said.

"Please." I said running up to him.

"I don't want to die I just came here." He said kneeling and placing me on his knee.

"You won't die." I said.

"Fine I won't but I will get hurt." He said.

"Hey what doesn't kill you makes you stronger." I said.

"She has a point." Tim said.

"Nope why don't we get ice cream instead." He said.

"Fine." I said. And with that I was being carried by my big brother to the car once more.
You'll find out what happens there the next chapter. And I'm in summer but I have summer school so yeah. But it's only for three weeks, I go there twice and week and only for 50 minutes so I'm good. And no I didn't flunk I'm just taking a class ahead of time which is Health. Okay I'm done now. Peace fellow unicorns

My big brother Emile ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now