Chapter 12

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Before I knew it August came around. There was only a two weeks until school started. Man a lot has happen since April to well now. Like I'm now living in a new state and with my brother. I miss my dad a lot, I don't even know where he is. But the time I've spent with my brother has been the best. Currently Emile is training amiibos while I was looking through his computer. I was trying to look for a game to play since I didn't know what to play. I would play Pikmin 3 since I never did play it but I decided against it since I rather see my brother play it the first time. I did end up finding a game but I had already played it before.

"It's so boring over here."

"Play splatoon or something."

"Can I?"

"Go for it." I then went on splatoon. I decided to change my outfit for once in there. I changed it to the fake contacts, shrimp pink polo shit, and red high tops. I picked the krak-on-splat roller and went onto regular turf war. As I waited for the game to start I saw some cool names like Butter and Potato. There was someone even name cookie cat. They sound like cool people to fight against. I saw who was on my team and saw butter, a girl name Kat and Maxine. The other two and two Japanese people on the other team. The map was Moray Towers. When the game started everyone went straight middle. I decided to stay after seeing that and just decided to paint all the side. Two minutes into the game I go to the center seeing it's completely the teams color. I than saw how Maxine disconnect I guess it's only three against four. That's when I looked at where my teammates were. They were at the Enemy's side. What is up with my team. I squid jumped to one of them and saw how they were all together. Even the ones from the enemy team. I decided just to party for ten seconds then left. But that's when they started to follow me. I kept running but they all followed.

"What's going on with these people." I said. Emile than came and saw what was happy.

"Hahahaha. This is amazing." He said than continue laughing. When the game ended I stayed with this group until the maps had to rotate. I than went on ranked for a few games bringing my rank to a C+. I than decided to get off.

"Are you gonna use the Wii."

"Nope but I do need to tell you something."

"What is it?" I said looking at his direction.

"You are gonna go see your relatives again." He said.

"Finally it's been years since I've seen them."

"You will go tomorrow to see them and won't come back to August ten."

"Alright, wait why aren't you coming?"

"I have to do things. And well it's mainly prerecording the next lets play and I know you like waiting." He said.

"Alright I can't wait to see meh relatives." I said. I than went to my room to do random stuff. I kinda feel like he was gonna do more than just prerecord. I could always go to the park or something. Why would he want me to leave? I'll never know I guess. I looked at my school backpack which was a rainbowdash backpack. I hadn't gotten all the school supplies like I still need to get a binder and all that stuff. And I was recommended for AVID so I was like alright. I hope it's a good program.


"AT 5AM!"


"FIRST OF LANGUAGE DO NOT MAKE ME GROUND YOU, AND BECAUSE I HAVE TO DO SOMETHING EARLY THAT DAY!" Emile said. Oh dang I don't want to get grounded. Dad doesn't really care if I say bloody hell. But I mean I guess. Emile than came to my room with a luggage. "I'll help you pack."

"Alrighty." And with that we went through my closest. I picked the clothes I wanted to bring and my iPod. I decided to leave everything else at home just because it's more safe there. When we were done packing it was then 7pm. "I really wish you can come with me to see out relatives." I than said to my brother.

"I want to go too but I have to do things. I'm sorry Kirlia." He said than giving me a hug. "But on the bright side I think you will grow to be at least 5'7." He said.

"I don't want to be so tall, Emile. I'd say until 5'2" I said than gave a smile.

"You're a Rosales-Birou you need to be tall." He said.

"What-ever." I than said. And with that I grabbed my iPod. I would ask Emile for a phone but honestly I'm fine with and iPod. I put my iPod to charge for a bit than grabbed my 3ds. I than put in animal crossing and waited for the game to load.

"I'll be in the living room if you need me." Emile said than leaving my room. I decided to roam around my town for a bit. Before I knew it, the time was 9pm. Emile than opened the door. "Time to sleep you need to be up early."

"Alright." I said than saving my game and putting the 3ds on the table I than unplugged my iPod from charging. I brushed my teeth and went to bed. Emile than sat in a chair and look at me.

"Don't do anything dumb while over there. And please don't waste all your money." He said.

"Don't worry I got this."

"Oh and be careful over there alright sometimes they can be dangerous. Always travel with someone we know. Oh and make sure..."

"Emile don't worry so much it hasn't been that long since I've been to Mexico." I said.

"Just please be careful."

"I will night big brother."

"Night little sister." He said than kissing my forehead. And with that I closed my eyes and went to sleep.
There is your chapter now sleep.

My big brother Emile ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now