Chapter 5

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"What about your past." Emile said.

"How my past ummmm." I said. "Made me a better human being. Hehehe." I said. Why did I just chicken out.

"Oh well that's good." He said getting a sad face. He probably thought I was gonna open up.

"That actually isn't it, Emile." I said. I then motioned him to come over to where I was. He walked over there and sat on the bed. I then sat on the chair I had next to the window and looked out it. "I lied to you a lot." I then said.

"What did you lie about?" He said. He seemed worried. But I'm not gonna make eye contact. That would be weird. I was heisting to speak.

"About Dad." I then said.

"What did you lie about?"

"On how he was getting... Better." I said pausing since my voice was getting shaky.


"Ummmm. You see. Dad wasn't getting better. If you asked me, I would have said he was getting worst." I said making my eye contact on the floor. "At first he was able to control himself but then he started drinking and it went out of hand. And we'll ummmm. It then started to leave to physical harm." I said wiping the tears that were coming to my eyes.

"When that happened I didn't exactly know what too do." I then looked and made eye contact. "I was debating on whether or not to tell you. But I realized how you went through this by yourself. So I thought I should have to do this buy my self." I said my voice getting really shaky. "And then that day you arrived I was happy but at the same time worried you would find out about dad. In the end I didn't know what to do." I said completely breaking down. I then got up from chair and ran to Emile and cried all over his shirt.

"No Pinkie don't cry." I heard Emile say hugging me. "If you keep crying then I'm going to cry." He said. "But why did you think that you would have to go through this by yourself. Sure I went through it but you have me. Not everyone is lucky to have a big brother or sister. I got lucky to have you as a little sister. And I remember promising myself the day I knew you would make it out alive that I would make sure nothing happen too you. I don't ever want to lose you. Not like how I lost the others."

"That's also why I didn't want you to know. I didn't want you to get worried about me. That and I believed that if I told you, you would get mad and blame me for this." I said not daring to make eye contact.

"Why would I be mad about something you didn't do. And of course I would be worried. Every single second I will be wondering if you were okay. But now that you're here next to me. I'm not worried." He said.

"I guess I've hid this for nothing." I said.

"Of course you did." He said. "I'm glad you told me the truth."

"How come?"

"I always felt like you were hiding something."

"Should really work on my lying skills." I said. I then looked at him in the eye.

"So what happens to dad now?"

"Who knows. We will let fate decide." He said. He kept hugging me as I calmed down.

"I couldn't have asked for a better big brother." I said.

"I couldn't have asked for a better little sister." He said kissing my forehead. Before I knew it, I fell asleep.

Emile's POV
After what Kirlia told me it didn't help me forgive my dad. At first when it was me I didn't like it. But since he has done it too Kirlia that's when he crossed the line. Why would he do such a thing to a ten year old. Before I knew it Jon and Tim came back.

"Did you get what you need?" I asked Jon.

"Nawww I just used that as an excuse to leave you guys alone." I looked at him with a confused look. "Your sister wanted to tell you about that for a while but she felt like it wasn't your business. Yesterday she told me about everything."

"Why didn't you tell me." I then said getting angry.

"Because it's not my life it's hers. So it's up to her to tell you. And trust me, I'm the one who told her to tell you." He said.

"Did you know Tim?"

"To be honest I have no idea what you guys are talking about."

"Maybe Kirlia wouldn't mind telling you in the future then." I said. I then put her in bed. I kissed her forehead and went back to the kitchen with Jon and Tim.

"So what happens now?"

"Either A we can report this, or B deal with it by ourselves." Jon said.

"I'd say we should just report this what else. We don't want more injuries." I stated.

"Okay than its settle we can call the cops."

"But we should call them at the right timing when he doesn't expect it." Tim said.

"Well we can figure this out in the morning." I said

Hey look guys. It's another one of these. Welp peace fellow unicorns and stay fresh.

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