The World Beyond our Own

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There was a constant chill in the air, the water certainly didn't help. Chains wrapped around the CodFathers hands fighting his 2
every move.

Joel hadn't taken the mirror out of his inventory yet. Treating Jim- the Mirror like a priceless antique.

To tell the truth. Jimmy was terrified.

Terrified of the world he had found himself in. Unable to communicate to the outside world. To his Friends.

With no way out.

It horrified the Cod to the core. 

And with the chains pulling harder as each day passed, the situation was only getting grimmer and grimmer. What was he going to do? He's been waiting for Joel to notice and free him from his glass imprisonment for days! Knowing him he could have just gotten carried away on one of his building projects and just forgotten all about him and the mirror.

God he hoped Joel hadn't done that.

Waiting until the end of eternity did not seem very appealing.

The water beneath him rippled as it stretched to the never ending abyss. The air was heavy, like he was actually underneath the turning seas. Only a few 100 feet deep. It was crushing him. Sure he may be a fish, but Cod are definitely not made to with stand this level of water pressure. Only glow squid can thrive down this deep.

No matter how many cons Jimmy could throw at the deep sea. He wished he was here. There he could be found by Lizze.

There he could be free.

The Codfather slammed his foot into the water in frustration. The still water splashed

"I hate it here! Let me out already!" Jimmy screamed into the black abyss. He wasn't the type of person to let his anger get the best of him, he would get annoyed sure or get very passionate about certain topics. But angry? Never.

All the emotions of the last two days hit Jimmy at once like an emotional cocktail. All the Anger, useless, hope, anguish, and lastly despair.

It was too much, it was all too much…

He just wanted to go home. To his sister. To his lover. Oh… Scott… He was always so preoccupied coming up with ways to stop his demon brother. And now he was just adding to his work load.

He just wanted to see something familiar. The murky brown waters of the Swamp Empire. The snowy mountain tops of Rivendell. The tall pink Coral roofs of the ocean empire.


All the air shot out of his lungs Jimmy had expected to open his eyes and see bleak running water that surrounded him in a cocoon. But instead he was met with the sight of a tall white tower elevated from the ocean surface. Jimmy wiped his head around to make sure he wasn't dreaming. But as the moments passed the thought only became more solid in Jimmy's mind. He was in the Ocean Empire, Lizzes empire.

Before he could think anymore he shot up the steps of the prismarine staircase looking frantically for his sister.

Running like a madman Jimmy shot across the ocean empire. Jimmy was starting to worry she wasn't even in her empire.

There she was! It didn't matter that Jimmy's lungs burned from how hard it was to breathe. There she was, hunched over a table in her war room. She looked so tired, her pink hair messy and unkempt.


The Cod ran up to the Queen's arms outstretched, ready to tackle her into a bear hug.

Only for Jimmy to run straight through her.

"What! Nononono!" Jimmy desperately grabbed at his older sister trying to touch her, hold her. Anything! "Lizzie!" Jimmy yelled, tears threatening to spill. Why couldn't she see him! Why was this mirror so cruel!

"Please! Listen to me!" He just wanted his sister. She was like a painting; she was so still that Jimmy could have thought she was a part of his imagination. The only thing giving her away was her face. It was so full of emotion just waiting to overflow. Jimmy could see she was grabbing the table so tightly it was threatening to break.


Jimmy stared up at his Sister. Her voice was
strained from lack of use. Grief and anger mixing into one.

"Why can't anyone see it!" The Queen cried out in anger. She hurled a flower pot into the wall at the other side of the wall.

"Sausage was throwing a firework show conveniently the same night! It's perfect! And he already has a history of working with Xornoth! Why am I the only one making the connection!" Lizzie yelled slamming her fists down on the table making a noticeable dent in the hard stone.

"'There's not enough evidence'" Lizzie said in a mocking tone. "Not even Scott found it suspicious! And I thought out of everybody he'd be my ally in all this!" Lizzie was being pissed. Jimmy had ever seen her his angry ever! What was this about?

It… It wasn't over his empire was it? What is he thinking! Of course it's about the Codlands! One night everything was fine and then. KA-BOOM! One less empire in the world. Not to mention her brother disappeared without a trace.

'I hope Scott isn't that worried' he already has so much on his plate he really didn't need to add this onto it.

But that won't be the case will it… Scott would probably be pulling his hair out as much- probably worse than Lizzie.

"Looks like I must do everything myself. Don't worry my Sealing! I will save you. No matter what." Lizzies tone was as cold as ice as she made her decoration. It was nice it gave Jimmy some hope that he would see the sun again. When this is all over.

Jimmy could feel a slight smile creep across his face, no matter what happened he could always rely on his Sealing to help him.

He needed to thank her for everything when this was over.

Jimmy was knocked out of his imagination by a huge shake.

An earthquake? No, it can't be Lizzie hasn't reacted at all. Was it… The mirror?

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