1. The fight

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(3rd person Pov)

It's last hour History, Will and El both have this class together. And today is presentation day for the project they've been working on. The project El has been working especially hard on.
El finally gets called on for her turn to present, she's nervous. She looks over to her to her brother for support only for it to be retuned with a reassuring nod.
She gets up in-front of the class to present she's been working on her grammar and she speaks a lot better now. She's starts talking about her visual aid that she made of hoppers cabin, she calls it a diorama but mispronounced it and one of Angelas friends started teasing her.

"more like diarrhea"

The whole class started giggling.
The teacher tried to shush them but El was obviously not so confident about her project anymore.
She continued on anyway, she talked about Hopper and the squirrel outside the cabin she named.
People started laughing once again until finally Angela raised her hand.

The teacher tried to dismiss her.

"Uh Angela let's save questions until the end of Janes presentation please" she said.

Angela ignored her request and said "yeah sorry i'm just like confused, I thought this was a presentation about historical hero's?" she questioned putting on these obviously bullshit fake teacher pet persona.

"My dad was in the news paper" El spoke up

"Your local paper" Angela said in a teasing tone making the whole class laugh once again
"I just don't think that's what Mrs.Gracie meant by historical, This is supposed to be about famous people" she said sounding fake confused to tease El.

"My dad is famous.. he saved lots of lives, in a mall fire... He was a hero, for people. And he was my hero too" El said tears now spilling out from her eyes and rolling down her cheeks.

"That's not what im saying at all but it's okay" she said making it sound like she felt bad for El though it was odiously bull.

"Im so sorry Mrs.Gracie, I didn't mean to interrupt I just wanted clarity on the rules assignment" she said putting the whole fake teachers pet thing back on again.

But before the teacher could say anything Will spoke up.

"Jesus do you ever shut the fuck up Angela?" he said clearly pissed off.

Everyone in the room looked shocked including El, nobody in the class has ever heard Will willingly wanna speak up about something so this surprising to everyone they all thought of him as this shy quiet kid.

Will was finally fed up. Seeing El crying in front of their entire class over some stupid shit Angela said finally pissed him off too much.
After all the years of him and his best friends get bullied and taunted. Getting called "Zombie Boy" "Frog Face" "toothless" "Midnight" and having nobody to go to. Nobody to tell. He remembered how he felt and he had enough.

"Excuse me Mr.Byers that was very disrespectful" Mrs.Gracie said sounding slightly offended and shocked.

But before she could say anymore Will spoke up again.

"Do you seriously believe her bullshit for a single second?" he questioned
"You really think she cares about the rules of the assignment? No, all she wants to do is pick on E-Jane, That's all she ever does is pick on her and everyone just ignores it including you. You're a teacher, You're supposed to do something about this but you choose to ignore it just like everyone else."

"Seriously Mrs.Gracie your just gonna let him talk to me like that??" she quickly corrected herself "Talk to you like that??" she said  sounding pissed that she's finally been called out.

"Yes Will that was very disrespectful and you're language was unacceptable, I'm gonna need to speak to you after class" Mrs.Gracie said finally and Angela looked over to him and looked at him in a taunting way almost saying "haha i get my way once again and you don't"

"You know what that's actually that's just great because I'd love to have a chat with you too Mrs. Gracie" Will said in the same taunting way Angela talks in all the time. He was planning something, Angela knew and she was pissed.

They finished the class like normal and after Will talked to Mrs.Gracie about everything Angela has been doing to El.
The conversation resulted in both Angela and him getting a Detention for Friday as well as writing apology letters and all that stupid bullshit.

Will was walking out to go find El and saw everyone crowing around.
That's when he saw it, they had pushed El to the ground and smashed her project to bits.

That was it for Will. He wasn't gonna stand for this bullshit any longer. A detention wasn't enough for him Angela needed more of a punishment and he was gonna give it to her.

He saw El trying to use her powers on Angela but it failed and she laughed at her. They started to walk away but he showed up now.

"Angela" he said sounding mad.

"Oh look who it is.. the other Byers freak, are you gonna try to hurt us with your mind too" she said teasingly and held up a hand at him to mock El trying to use her powers.
Everyone around them laughed and he could hear El crying behind them get louder.

"No" he spoke, he said it so steadily it was almost unsettling.
"I'm gonna do it with my fists" He said before punching Angela straight in the face.

She screamed and fell onto the concrete.
Jesus he knew she was a pussy but he didn't realize she was that much of a pussy, it was one fucking punch???

He laughed at her before he realized the two guys that always laugh at Angela's shitty jokes and follow her around like lost puppies had started to come towards him. He wasn't worried though, Lonnie had taught him how to fight when he was little in hopes to "make him less faggy" and "more of a man" and I guess it had stuck with him.

They came up to him and tried to punch him in the jaw but he dodged it, he landed a punch to one of their guts. The other right hooked Will in the side of the face right under his cheekbone.
He had a weak ass arm. These guys suck at fighting.

He recovered quickly due to how shitty the punch was and landed and punch to the guy who just punched him. Right in the jaw. Will had a good arm and he knew it. He hasn't ever fought anyone.. Never had the nerve to till now but he still new he was good.

As much as an asshole Lonnie was he did know how to fight.

Will landed another punch to the same guys gut but before the previous one recovered enough to try to punch Will again. He landed a punch right on Wills nose, causing it to bleed. Will punched him back right in the cheek.

In the end of It Will had won. The two guys both had gotten beaten up enough that they ran off and Will and El left too before a teacher came, Will didn't need another detention.

Or it might have just become a suspension.

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