7. Planning the suprise

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(El's pov:)

After I got off the phone with Max I did some cleaning around the house to help out Joyce a bit. After that I decided it was finally time to call Mike.

I walked over to the phone and dialed the Wheelers house number.

I waited patiently as the phone beeped.

After a few seconds someone picked up.

"Hello this is the Wheeler house hold what can I do for you?" They spoke in a professional sounding voice.
It was Nancy.

"Hi Nancy!! Sorry to bother you but Is Mike home?"

"Oh El!! Hi" she said sweetly "yeah he's here."

"May I speak to him please?" I asked

"Of course one sec" she said before I faintly heard her yell at Mike.


A few second later Mike was on the phone now.

"El?" He questioned.

"Hi Mike." I said smiling. Even if we are not in love I still do miss him quite a bit..

"How are you?" I asked.

"Really good actually. I'm so excited to see you and Will!! .. and even Johnathan and Joyce too!! It feels like it's been forever since i've seen you guys!!"

"Yeah it has.. but that is actually why i'm calling.. I wanted to talk to you about Will."

"What about him?" He sounded scared shitless.


"I wanted to tell you that I wanted to surprise Will! It has been forever since you guys have seen each other and he misses you so much and I can tell you miss him just as much. So I thought it would be cool if we surprised Will and had you come visit without him knowing!!"

"Wait El did you plan all of this by yourself??"

"Yes why?"

"Me and Nancy have been so happy these past few days about coming to visit! I miss Will and you and Nancy misses Johnathan so much. We can barely wait till our flight on Sunday.. I didn't know you planned all this by yourself El.. It makes it all feel a bit more special that you specifically planned this all for me and Nance.. Thank you :)"

"Of course Mike! I'm glad you and Nance are excited I miss you and her so much!! I can't wait for Will me and you to all hangout together soon!"

"So how's surprising Will gonna work anyway?"

"So Will has this drawing club thing every Sunday so I was thinking while he's not home we could come have you and Nance drop off your stuff and chill for a little while, and then maybe Johnathan or Nance could drop us off or stay if they wanted too at this roller rink by our house and we could wait there for Will because I'll have Joyce drop Will off at the roller rink after his club finishes. And he'll think it's just gonna be me and maybe Johnathan there to go skate. But that's where you come out and surprise him!! And then we could all order some food and skate around a bit before we head back home and chill maybe watch a movie!! I had Joyce buy a bunch of good snacks. Sound good to you?"

"Wow." he spoke sounding a bit breathless.

"What? Is everything okay? Is it a bad plan?"

"No! nonono not at all!! It's an amazing plan. Like really amazing. Did you really plan all of this out by yourself El?"

"Yeah" I said while laughing nervously.

"That's so amazing El! You're amazing! Thank you so much for this. Really.. This is gonna be so fun and it's the perfect way to be welcomed to california. I can't wait to surprise Will and hang out with you two!! I miss you guys so much!"

"We miss you too Mike!! I'm super excited to put my plan into action."

Little do you know there's a lot more to this plan then you think Michael. ;)

"Oh! By the way can you tell Nance the situation? Joyce and Johnathan already know so Nance is the only one left that we need on board with this."

"Yeah of course El. Thanks again for planning something so fun It really means a lot that you'd take so much time planning something just for all of us to have a good time."

"It was my pleasure Mike, but seriously this was so fun to and im so excited for it because actually doing it is gonna be so much more fun. !!" I said giggling.

"Alright well i'll go tell Nance what's going on."

"Okay!! Bye Mike."

"Bye El!"

He said before hanging up the phone.

This plan really is going to be so much fun. ;)

AN: The fact that I keep writing really short chapters is making me want to cry. It's just so awkward trying to get to the point where i can actually write good chapters long chapters that contribute to the actual plot of the story instead of filler chapters to try and get there but I'm trying my best to not make them boring i promise :,)

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