5. The Plan

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I changed back into my pajamas and took off my makeup. I wanted to take it easy on multiple since I had a really rough night last night. I'm kinda glad I didn't go to school today. All I can think about is Mike. I just don't know why he didn't tell me? I felt myself starting to tear up a bit so as i distraction I lay down in bed and grabbed my book.

I've taken a liking to reading over the past year. It's good for helping with my grammar and a lot of the time helps with new words. I still choose a word of the day like Hopper used to do. But I learn a lot more than just one.

After I had been reading for a while when Joyce came in with a bowl of soup.
"Hey how're you feeling honey?"
"A little bit better but still not super well."
"Awh well I made you some chicken noodle soup" she said while placing the bowl on my nightstand.
She got up to go leave but I stopped her.

"Um Joyce..? Do you think I could actually talk to you about something for a second?"

"Of course you can El. What's up?" she said while walking over to sit on the side of my bed.

"Well.. I was wondering if you could plan something with Mrs. Wheeler for Mike to come and visit us?"

"Oh.. well I guess I could try sure."

"And do you think you could not tell Will? I kinda wanna surprise him."

"Okay any other requests."

"Yeah actually do you think you could ask if Nancy could come too? We can surprise Johnathan" I said smiling.

"Yeah okay hon I can talk to Mrs. Wheeler for ya" Joyce said while smiling and getting up to leave.
"Make sure to get some rest too, It'll make you feel better." she said before closing the door and leaving.

I guess I was a bit tired.. I ate the soup Joyce made for me and put my bowl and book on the nightstand before laying down and trying to sleep.

I slowly drift off to sleep.

Before I know it i'm getting shaken awake.

It's Joyce.

"Hey how are you feeling?" She ask

"A bit better" i said smiling.

"That's good, sorry for waking you up I just wanted to tell you that I talked to Mrs.Wheeler and she said that they could come visit on monday and stay for spring break."

"Awesome, thank you Joyce" I replied.

I slowly let sleep overwhelm me and I drifted off once again.

I must've been asleep for a while because when I woke up Will was right beside me.

"Will?" I asked

"Oh El you're finally awake" He said happily
"Mom said you didn't feel good and I was worried."
He said while leaning down to hug me.
I smiled to myself.

I love Will so much.

This is exactly why I need to follow through with my plan.

He deserves to be happy.

He pulled away from the hug.
"How are you feeling?" He asked

"I feel okay I guess. Better than earlier but I still feel gross."

"That sucks.. But Mom made you more soup if you want it" he said before setting the soup down and leaving.

I ate my soup and read for the rest of the night.

It was getting late at this point and I wanted to go to bed soon.

I was finishing the last chapter to my book when I heard laughing from down the hall.



He was talking to Mike.

I felt tears sting the corners of my eyes as tears started falling down my cheeks.

I set my book on my nightstand before closing my eyes and crying myself to sleep.

AN: I'm sorry this kinda sucks It was rushed and I didn't really know what to do. It's like sorta a filler chapter ig.

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