Camp 💗

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TW: Panic attack, mention of abusive parents.

It was finally time. Summer camp. Robin dreaded every moment, not only because she had a lot of fears, but because she hates being away from home. Sure, her parents may hate her, but she feels a sort of comfort being in places she recognises. Either way, she would have to go, so she packed her suitcase, said goodbye, and got on the bus.

Nancy was in her room, packing everything that she needed. It's safe to say, she LOVED summer camp. The thrill of it, the safety of it, the fun of it. She loved doing all the natural things, like water filtration. She had almost finished packing when she forgot to say her goodbyes. So, she said them, and left, getting on the bus.

When she got on, there was only one seat left. Next to Robin.

"So, uh, how are you feeling, about the trip?" She tried to make conversation to avoid awkward silence. Seemingly every child around them was screaming or singing.

"Uh, f-fine." Robin replied blankly. But, Nancy could clearly see the fear in Robin's eyes. But, she decided to not make her uncomfortable."

"Okay." Was all she said for the rest of the trip.

When they got there, the freckled girl was fiddling with a Rubiks cube.

"Hey, we're here." Nancy told her, startling the girl a bit. They got off the bus and started doing a headcount.

Once they finished the counting, they got their rooms. Robin's room was directly next to Nancy's. They quickly unpacked their stuff, and got to their first activity. Once that was done, everyone got into bed.

Robin couldn't sleep. She couldn't shake the thought of being alone out of her head. That was one of her fears. She was alone, in the darkness of her room. Her breathing started to quicken and tears formed in her eyes. She sat up, already full on crying. Her door opened, revealing a worried Nancy. She probably heard the progression of her panic attack. When she placed a hand on Robin's shoulder, the taller girl roughly recoiled.

"Robin, can I touch you?" She calmly asked. In response, Robin wrapped her arms around Nancy, finding comfort in the touch.

"Deep breaths, come on, deep breaths." She heard her whisper. "Do you want to go outside?" Nancy whispered again, not letting go of Robin. She gained enough energy to slowly nod.

When they got outside, she started to calm down a bit. She was breathing normally now, but her eyes were still full of tears and she was still shaking. Nancy never let go of her that entire time.

"How are you feeling?" She asked Robin.

"B-Better." She managed to stutter out.

"I can sleep with you tonight if you want." Nancy offered, chuckling when Robin's face went bright red.

"I- um you- I'm- uh- s-s-sure?" Robin cursed herself for stuttering that much.

So, later that night, Robin fell asleep calmly, enwrapped in Nancy's warm arms.

A/N: I'm sorry that this one was super short, I didn't want to make it too long. I hope you enjoyed anyway!

Word Count: 530

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