Thunder 💗

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Disclaimer: Robin has Hyperacusis. It's basically where everyday noises sound louder to a person. She's had since she was a child, (it was mostly caused by her parents yelling in her ears) but didn't tell anybody. Oh and she has autism because you can't tell me she doesn't. ADHD too. And this is set in modern day so yeah.


"But Steve! What if everything goes wrong? What if I accidentally confess in one of my rambles and she hates me forever? What if I say something while sleeping?" Currently, Robin was freaking out in Family Video, rambling to Steve about her and Nancy's sleepover.

"Jeez, Buckley, you'll be fine! It's just a sleepover." Steve was trying his best to calm her down,  but that wasn't happening anytime soon. She was still listing all the bad what ifs when Nancy herself walks in.

"Hey Rob! You still up for that sleepover?" She asked, a cheery grin on her face. Robin's face turned bright red, and Steve couldn't help but smirk.

"U-uhh yeah! Yeah." The taller girl tried her best not to stutter, but she failed miserably.

"Alright, cool! See you then, I'm just picking up some movies that we could watch there!" Nancy smiled and walked off to some of the shelves. "Sooo, what do you like?"

Robin wanted to say 'you' but she didn't dare.

"I like horror movies! Nightmare On Elm Street is one of my favourites but then there's also Halloween which is pretty good and, oh, Friday the 13th is amazing! But I do also like non horror movies in case your scared, I'm not saying your a coward! You're a badass that almost killed Vecna with a single shotgun! But yeah I like the Breakfast Club and did you know that The Conjuring was inspired by a true story? Crazy right! Like the person getting exorcised was thrown across the room in real life! It actually happened! And also there's-" Nancy cut her off.

"Jesus, Robin, slow down!" She chuckled, as Robin took a deep breath.

"Sorry." She muttered as Nancy came up to the counter with three horror movie DVDs. Nightmare On Elm Street, Halloween, and Friday the 13th. She actually listened to what Robin was saying in her ramble.

"You- you listened?" She asked purely dumbstruck. She skipped her gaze between Nancy and the movies.

"Of course! People don't?" The shorter girl suddenly looked concerned. Robin quickly threw off the subject.

"Okay, well we'll be going now! See you tomorrow, Stevie!" She shouted back, walking out of the door.

"O...kay. Uh, bye Robster!" He shrugged and gave Nancy a confused look, recieving the same look back. She walked out of the building, and over to Robin, who was leaning on the hood of her car. Usually, she would get annoyed, but if it was Robin, then it was okay.

They got into the car, and took off for Nancy's house. When they got there, Nancy's mom greeted them both, and Nancy dragged the taller girl to her room.

"Oh shit. I forgot to bring clothes." Robin groaned and slapped a hand over her forehead.

"Don't worry, I can lend you some of mine!" Robin's face instantly flushed, and she looked down, letting her hair cover her face.

She changed into the clothes Nancy gave her in the bathroom. Their height difference caused the shirt became a crop top. The shorts were halfway up her thigh. On Nancy, they reached down to her knees, proving how tall Robin really was compared to her.

She came out, and went back to the room, her face becoming a tomato at the sight of Nancy. She was wearing a light pink sleeveless shirt and yellow shorts that had flowers on them. To any person, it would be normal. But to Robin, Nancy was always a wonder.

"Are you going to keep staring, or can we watch a movie?" The shorter girl smirked at Robin's red face. She muttered a quick 'sorry' and sat down on the bed with her.

"So, which one?" Nancy asked, and Robin started thinking which one was quietest. Not many people knew this, but she had Hyperacusis. It was a condition where everyday noises would sound twice as loud to her. It was mainly caused by her parents' shouting, but it got worse with the earthquakes and thunder in the upside down. Nowadays, everyday life seemed harder to her. With all the cars, people talking loudly, and school.

"Uh, Robin? Hello? Earth to Robin." Nancy was snapping her fingers infront of Robin, making her flinch from the noise. Nancy assumed it was because of the actual action, so she rubbed it off.

"Let's watch Halloween." She finally decided, first making sure that she wouldn't have a breakdown during it. Nancy popped the DVD in, flashing Robin a small grin before plopping onto the bed.

Just as the opening scene started, Robin's worst nightmare begun.

A thunderstorm.


The first crash of thunder came, and Robin flinched roughly, clamping her eyes shut to stop the oncoming tears.


Not long after, the next one occured, and the taller girl let out a small whimper. Nancy obviously noticed, because she turned to her with a confused expression, that quickly turned to concern when she noticed her irregular breathing.

"Robin? Are you okay?" She asked, putting a hand on Robin's shoulder. A single, small tear rolled down her cheek, and Nancy pulled her in immediately.

"Oh Rob." She whispered, cradling a sobbing, shaking Robin in her arms. The movie was paused as to not distress her even more. Another loud crash of thunder sounded, causing Robin to cover her ears and roll into an even tighter ball, burying her face into Nancy's chest. This was going to be a long night.


The thundery night was over, and the sun rose in the sky.

"Robbie, it's over. You're okay." Nancy whispered into Robin's ear. The taller girl looked up with watery eyes, and pulled away.

"Sorry" She muttered, and looked at the floor, rubbing her eyes.

"Robin. Do not dare apologise for being traumatised. You were upset, so I did the best I could do to help you." Nancy's voice was firm, but her eyes held sympathy and softness.

"Thanks" Robin mumbled, still looking at the ground. Nancy grabbed her hands, making her look up.

"Listen, I won't judge you if you're scared of thunder. I just want to help." She reassured Robin, smiling at her.

"It's- it's not that."

Nancy gave her a confused look, silently asking for an explanation.

Robin mumbled something inaudible.

"Your going to have to speak up, Rob." Nancy said, squeezing her hands gently to let her know that she can tell her anything.

"Hyperacusis." Was the word that came out of Robin.

"Huh?" Nancy was even more confused now. She didn't get any response. "Shall I look it up?"

The taller girl nodded. So, after looking it up, Nancy finally understood her reaction to thunder. She let out the same 'oh' as Steve when Robin came out.

"From now on, I will never make a loud noise again." Nancy said as she hugged Robin. She smiled, hugging her back.

It felt good to finally have someone know. Have someone understand.


A/N: Hope you enjoyed this little idea I had!

Word Count: 1223

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