Stash 👌

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Disclaimer: Set in the future, they are married and have their own apartment.

"Robin Wheeler."

Robin turned to see a very angry looking Nancy. Before this, she had been sitting peacefully on the couch, watching The Breakfast Club for the fifteenth time. Her wife was obviously angry about something. This wasn't the first time Nancy had gotten mad at her, since she steals her clothes all the time. But, that didn't mean that Nancy didn't scare Robin when she was like that.

"Y-yes, hon?" The taller girl answered, knowing something was seriously wrong when Nancy used her full name.

"Be honest with me. When you said we had no snacks, were you telling the truth?" Oh shit. Nancy had found Robin's secret stash. It was meant for the sole purpose of saving snacks for herself, just to have Nancy take her out more. She was never meant to find it.

"U-uhm- y-yeah! Full honest truth." Robin winced at her weakly failed attempt of lying.

"Ok then." And she walked off. Just like that. Maybe she hadn't found it. Maybe it was ok. However, when Nancy walked back in the room, Robin's heart dropped.

"Then what's this?" She was holding up a small box. It had written in clear, black, bold letters, 'Robin's Secret Stash'.

She froze, staring wide eyed at the box.

"So then, were you honest about us not having snacks?" Nancy was still interrogating her. Robin couldn't answer, in fact, she couldn't even move.

"Okay then, we will play it like that." She walked off, leaving Robin stunned in the room.


It was evening now, and the Wheelers were getting ready to go to bed.

"Hey, love, have you seen my hairbrush?" Robin asked. Nancy just carried on with what she was doing. It hurt to do this to her wife, but she deserved it.

"Oh please don't tell me you're doing this again." The taller girl quickly caught on to what she was doing. "Nooooo! Don't do this to me please!"

Robin slumped down on the bed, and looked up at the shorter girl with pleading eyes.

"Uhh, love? Honey? Sweetheart? Please don't do this I'm begging please." She kept pleading, but Nancy was unfortunately stubborn. This went on for a couple of days until the time was up. 5 days.


Robin was sitting on their bed, reading a book. Nancy came in, and Robin just sighed.

"I'm ready to endure another day of silent torture." She was talking to her, but obviously Nancy wasn't going to answer. That was the whole point.

Much to Robin's surprise, Nancy came right up to the bed.

"Hey, love."

Robin instantly rushed up and pulled Nancy down onto the bed. She hugged her tightly and buried her head in the crook of her neck.

"I can see you missed me." Nancy chuckled, wrapping her arms around Robin's middle. The taller girl only nodded in response.

"Don't ever do that again." Robin's voice was muffled by the sweater, but Nancy could hear it clearly.

"No promises." To that, the blonde grunted and hugged her tighter.

And then they fell asleep in that position.


A/N: I ran out of ideas halfway through but I hope you enjoyed this short one. I wanted to update bcuz I've already updated Cold Blood and the groupchat so it was only fair.

Word Count: 563

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