Reckless 💔💗

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TW: Angst, mentions of drug and alcohol use, broken bones, cute females

It's no doubt. Robin Buckley has a crush on none other, than Nancy 'the priss' Wheeler herself.

It started a long time ago, but she can barely remember. Currently, Robin has to focus on not dying. What was she doing you ask? Skating. On top of Eddie's trailer.

Robin had an obsession on trying to impress Nancy, to the point where she would like her back. She knew it was selfish, but she couldn't help it. She did something reckless every chance she got, making sure Nancy would be looking. Right now, she was doing just that.

The four had been hanging out at Eddie's trailer, mainly to smoke weed and get drunk. Robin begged Max to borrow her skateboard, and she let her, as long as it didn't have a scratch after. So, she brought Max's skateboard over to the gathering.

"Okay okay, enough teasing me and Eddie, I wanna know why the hell Robin's got a skateboard." Steve questioned, after a long debate on Eddie and him secretly dating.

"Well, Steve, I need to show you a new trick that Max taught me." Robin responded proudly. Everyone gave her interested looks, as she crawled onto the roof of the trailer through the window.

"Uhh, Buckley, are you sure about this?" Eddie actually seemed concerned for once. She just responded with a thumbs up, getting on the skateboard.

"I present to you, The Buckley Barrel!" Robin announced, picking up speed. Safe to say, it didn't go as planned. How she imagined it, was that she would roll off Eddie's trailer, jump off the skateboard, spin it in the air, and land. How it went, was much different.

"SHIT!" Robin yelped in pain, as she landed on the ground, face-down, clutching her arm and leg.

"ROBIN!" Nancy sprinted up to her, rolling her over, the most concerned look on her face.

"Holy shit, Eddie, call an ambulance!" She demanded. Robin's face was bloody, really bloody. Her arm and leg were most likely broken, and she smacked her nose on the ground, which was also most likely broken. Both her eyes were bloodshot, and her hair had small specks of crimson.


Upon waking up, all Robin could remember was Nancy's teary face, and the flashing red and blue lights.

"Robbie!" She heard a familiar voice, as she grunted in pain trying to sit up. "Take it easy, your still healing."

"W-What happened?" Robin questioned. Her eyes finally adjusted, seeing an angry, teary eyed Nancy above her.

"You know what happened? Your reckless ass almost killed yourself!" She said in an angry tone. "You could have died, Buckley. What in fuck's sake were you thinking?" Robin felt like a child being scolded by her parents.

"Well I-I.." She started.

"You?" Nancy repeated having calmed down a bit. Robin looked everywhere but her eyes.

"I was just trying to be cool.." She mumbled, hoping Nancy couldn't hear her. Except, she could.

"Are you fucking kidding me, Robbie? Your always cool! Your the coolest person I know!" Nancy replied, reassuring her as much as she could.

"Not cool enough for you." Robin whispered under her breath. With that, she felt warm lips on hers. Nancy was kissing her. Nancy fucking Wheeler was kissing Robin fucking Buckley. She felt 9 feet high in the air. Once Nancy pulled away, Robin actually pouted.

"Your always cool enough for me." The shorted girl whispered before pulling her in and kissing her again.

In the hallway, Steve and Eddie watched.

"Should we say something?" Eddie asked. Steve just grinned beside him, the proud mother that he is.

"No no, let them have their moment." Steve replied as they walked out of the hospital, leaving the two girls happily enveloped in each others arms.

A/N: I hope you liked this chapter! It's medium length but I'm hoping that it's good enough. Let me know if there's anything else I can add!

Word Count: 671

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