A/N Fic Idea

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I had this fic au idea. Ronance pirate au.


Hawkins is an island located on the east of America. Many wealthy families have their own ships, and people too poor for a ship, are the crew.There are two types of pirates in their town. The modest, and the ragged. It's self explanatory.

Robin Buckley is the captain of an infamous ship called 'Scoops Ahoy'. Many people, excluding her - very loyal - crew, thought it was a cliché name. But the crew liked it so she kept it as that. Robin's ship was bought by Steve, but he gave it to her as a gift, and because she would be a better captain. For example, with Steve it would have been working and the occasional game, or story. With Robin, it's more fun. She puts on a show, acting out the epic stories of pirates fighting to the death for the crew. She puts a fun spin on working, letting the kids climb up the mast's ropes to ready the sails, instead of using the ladder. They were the ragged type of pirate, known for stealing mostly, but also for the rumours that followed their gay captain. Steve Harrington was her best friend and First Mate/Quartermaster. Max Mayfield was also a great friend of hers, and was the Gunner Leader. Dustin Henderson was in charge of navigation, and Eddie Munson was the Boatswain, just lingering around the ship, doing anything that needed to be done. Will Byers was the ship's Powder Monkey, but he wasn't treated as bad as the other ones on other ships. Robin's formal name was Captain Bluebird, but her crew just called her nicknames like Rob or Robbie. There was an inside joke going around her ship, where Steve and Eddie would call her Birdie infront of random people, and it mostly ended in them believing she was dating 2 guys at once. She was called Bluebird because her name was Robin and her most noticeable feature were her unusually bright, blue eyes. She was mainly feared around Hawkins, but only a few people other than the crew knew her true self. They mostly wore rags and things like that, but they had a bit of jewelry. (Probably stolen)


Robin's hat was a blue one with a blue robin feather, one that her grandfather had given her when she was young.

Eddie and Robin have a matching ring.

Max, Dustin and Will each have bracelets that say 'I'm a child!', bought by Steve.

Everyone has a necklace with a certain colour gem on it. Max=Red, Robin=Blue, Eddie=Black, Will=Green, Dustin=Yellow, Steve=White.

Robin, Steve and Eddie have tattoos. Max has a tiny heart on her ankle.

Robin has tons on her back and stomach. She has a snake wrapping around her right forearm to the tip of her middle finger, and a dragon on the other. Her back mainly consists of flowers, and knives, daggers, or guns.

Steve has two flowers on his right shoulder, and a small dagger on the back of his left hand. He also has a small heart on his chest. He and Robin have matching tattoos on their wrists, with each others names on them.

Eddie has a bunch of bat tattoos. A few bats on the inside of his right forearm, and on his chest. He also has a few knives on his stomach. His most noticeable one, a raven right on his neck.


• Ragged sails that had many holes in them, but somehow still worked.

• Two sets of stairs on either side of mast. One of them led to under the bow, where the kitchen, the bedrooms, the bathrooms, and the storage rooms were located. The other led to under the stern, where you could find the navigation room, the gunpowder room, the dungeons, and the game room.

• Aft of the ship, there was an elevated platform with the helm on top. Two sets of stairs on either side.

• Underneath the helm platform, and in-between the two sets of stairs leading up to it, another small cabin known as the Captain's Cabin.

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