Prom 💗

772 11 33

TW: Super cute females.

(A/N: This isn't one from Germanarmin's fic I just thought of it. Enjoy!)

Today was the day.

Today was Robin's first ever prom.

Currently, she was pacing around the room, wondering what the fuck she was going to do.

"Robin, calm down, it's fine!" Steve was sat on the end of her bed, making sure she doesn't self combust out of worry.

"It's not fine, one wrong move and I'll be the town pariah!" Robin stopped her rambling momentarily to respond. "Like what if I break something? I'm gonna embarrass myself so bad, sure, Nancy will be there but still that doesn't stop me from being the clumsiest person in the universe and anyway what if she's too pretty for me to take it and you know my massive crush on her what if I embarrass myself infront of he-" she was cut off by Nancy's voice herself.

"You have a crush on me?" She asked, smirking slightly to herself.

"Ah!- h-how did you?" Robin started stuttering and turned bright red. Soon after, she realized she forgot that she invited Nancy the day before. Steve just chuckled at the scene in front of him.

"Your mom let me in. Anyways, do you seriously have a crush on me?" Nancy replied, her smirk widened, enough for Robin to see it. She felt like she was going to explode.

"No! I-I mean yes! I m-mean-" she felt another set of lips touching her own. Nancy Wheeler was kissing her. Nancy Wheeler was kissing Robin Buckley.

She pulled away after a moment, leaving Robin speechless.

"Well, we better get ready for prom, Robbie." Nancy acted as if nothing had happened, even though Robin was standing right infront of her, a blushing mess that looked like she could melt into the floor.

Steve just clapped.


"She kissed me Steve! Nancy fucking Wheeler kissed me!" Robin kept repeating in Steve's car. Steve was laughing along with her.

Once he pulled up to the driveway, Robin had already jumped out of the car.

"H-hi!" She tried to act casual, but turned redder than her converse at the sight of Nancy. She was wearing a beautiful black dress that faded into a deep blue at the bottom. There was a silver plated pattern on her chest and shoulders, matching with the necklace Robin gave her for her birthday.

 There was a silver plated pattern on her chest and shoulders, matching with the necklace Robin gave her for her birthday

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"Hello? Robin, hello?" Nancy was snapping her fingers infront of Robin's face, trying to snap her out of her trance.

"U-uh, you look.. w-woah." Robin looked her up and down again, taking in all the beauty one woman could possess.

"You look woah too." Nancy laughed and hugged the taller girl. Robin was wearing a nice morning suit with a tailcoat jacket. She was wearing a red tie, and white gloves.

Nancy grabbed Robin's tie and pulled it towards her, causing her to blush even more furiously than before at how close their faces were

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Nancy grabbed Robin's tie and pulled it towards her, causing her to blush even more furiously than before at how close their faces were.

"Shall we dance?" She held her hand out to the taller girl, who took it without hesitation. They slow danced to the rhythm of some slow song neither of them knew. Both of them completely ignored all the homophobic slurs being thrown at them. They ignored all the disgusted looks. It was just Robin and Nancy. Just Nancy and Robin.

Then, when the dancing was done, more jumpy songs came on. Robin and Nancy went to find Steve, who was sitting on a chair drinking some punch. All three of them engaged in a deep conversation, something about theories after death. When any song that Steve and Robin knew came on, they both screamed the lyrics, and Nancy just chuckled at their stupidness.


Soon enough, the prom finished, and everyone spilled out of the doors to go home. Robin got into Steve's car, who rolled the window down to let them have their moment since everyone was gone.

"Today was like the best day ever, Nance." Robin started, chuckling as they held hands through the window.

"I agree, so does this make us official?" Nancy replied, waiting for an answer from Robin.

"U-uhhh I guess?" She answered, not quite sure what to say. Nancy kissed Robin one more time, when Steve started rolling the window up.

"Bye, Robbie!" She shouted.

On the ride home, Robin proceeded to scream for 3 minutes straight and ramble like she had never before. Steve just listened, smiling from pure pride.

A/N: Sorry that I haven't updated in a while, I have been busy with Cold Blood. It feels rushed to me. Hope you still liked it though!

Word count: 775

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