He is mad at you and youre sick

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Louis: You hated fighting. If you could avoid it at all cost, you would. Yelling and arguing with Louis just hurt you so badly, and it never felt worth it. So when he grew angry at you, for a reason so small, you tried to make things alright. You just didn't want to be angry with each other. He refused to accept it though, and held onto his anger for days. Days passed without words shared between you at all, breaking your heart. Then suddenly, you were horribly sick with a cold, and he dropped all his anger in an instant to take care of you. "Are you sure you're sick?" he jokingly said, while placing a bowl of soup before you, "Because you did want that fight to end already." You rolled your eyes, while weakly reaching for the bowl, "You got me, I'm totally faking this. I'm such a good actress." Louis sat beside you, and helped bring the bowl close enough for you to eat. "No matter how angry I may be over a fight or anything, I'll always take care of you, I hope you know that." You stopped worrying about your food, and looked over at him with a weak smile, "I do, and thank you."

Niall: He was so upset. The fight had been massive. You'd both said things you shouldn't have, and hurt the other in ways you never wanted. A part of you even believed you may really lose him over this. It had to be fixed, but you just didn't know how. The next day, while thinking of ways to fix what had been broken, you were overcome with a horrible stomach pain and dizziness. You panicked, and call Niall, the person you loved the most of the world. You were in tears when you spoke, "I feel so horrible, and something is wrong." Niall heard nothing else. Not your apology, not your other words about your illness, nothing. He was already grabbing his keys, and rushing over to your home, to be right by your side. "I'm going to make sure you're okay," he told you, after bring you to the Dr., who explained it was just a really bad stomach bug. "I don't care about anything else, but making sure you are okay." The fight now seemed so long ago, as he placed a blanket over you, and put on your favorite movie. "If you need anything, let me know. I'm not going anywhere."

Liam: "I'm just going to go," Liam snapped, while grabbing his things off of the side table he slept near every single night. "Liam," you tried to start a sentence, but that is all you managed to get out. You felt so weak. Something was wrong. "I'll just call you later. I probably won't come back tonight. I just need some space." "Liam," your heart ached, as you tried to say more, but it was hard. You felt so out of breath. Something was wrong. Liam paused from grabbing his things to look up at you, and his anger vanished. You looked so pale. So sick. "[Y/N]! What's wrong?" "I-I.." You still could not speak, and simply shook your head. The fight was over now. His anger was gone. He was just worried about you. "It's okay, it's okay," he rushed to your side, "Let's just go to the doctor's, and figure out what's wrong. You'll be okay." You somehow were able to nod your head, as he began picking you up carefully. "I'm going to make sure you're okay, and take care of you. I promise." You rested your head against him, and smiled. You didn't say any words, but you didn't need to. He knew what you meant, and words were not needed.

Harry: "Would you stop sneezing so I can stay angry," Harry asked, as if you could control that horrible action you kept repeating. You didn't enjoy sneezing, or feeling like your head was stuffed, but you could not control that at all. "I just feel so badly," you informed him, before sneezing once again. "I can't control that." Harry sighed at your words. He of course knew you could not control that. You were sick, and needed him to take care of you. He just wanted to stay angry for once. He was hurt over your fight, and wasn't ready to let it go just yet. However, when you sneezed again, and grabbed your head in pain, he realized how petty he was being. "Forget it, I just need to take care of my girlfriend." You were so relieved to hear that. You just didn't have it in you to fight right now. "Can I please have a big bowl of soup?" Harry nodded softly, completely giving in, though moments ago he was not ready to at all. "What kind do you want?"

Zayn: Zayn held onto the fight two of you had way longer than you. Normally you both would get angry together, and then get over it at the same time as well. This time was different though. He was still angry, and you were just in bed feeling worse than you ever had in your life. So when you called him, needing comfort, he assumed it was to argue more. "[Y/N], I just don't want to talk to you right now." You heard his words, but quickly ignored them. "Zayn, I need you." Zayn knew right away that something was wrong. He could hear it in your voice. "What's wrong?" "I think I have the flu or something. I don't know. I'm so sick. I really need you. Please." That anger Zayn held onto a minute before was all gone now, as he heard the way you sounded so weak. "I'll be there in a minute. I love you [Y/N], and I'm going to take care of you." You closed your eyes, as you smiled to yourself, "Thank you. You have your key. I'm going back to sleep. I love you too."

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