Responding to the hate

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Sighing he turned on the video camera on his laptop and looked to make sure you were still asleep. Just minutes before this, Louis was comforting you. You knew most of the fans were unhappy with the two of you dating and it never got to you until today. You went our to get something for your mom.

As you were looking around the store for everything you need you ran into a group of girls. It didn’t take long for them to start bashing you in a public place. It was one thing when you read it online, but having those words spat in your face in person hurt. You ran back to Louis places, leaving your cart in the middle of the store once the girls had left laughing and high fiving one another. You of course wasn’t going to tell Louis what had happened because you never wanted to come in between him and the fans.

Unluckily for you Liam just so happened to be at the same store and watched it all go down. He was quick to act calling Louis and telling him what had just happened.

Now here Louis sat in front of a twitcam ready to address the matter that had made you beyond upset. “I just want to do this quick little cam to just get something out there..” He stated as he saw you stir in your sleep. Picking up his computer he quietly left the room and entered the living room.

"I just wanted to say that I am disappointed in those ‘fans’ that verbally assaulted my girlfriend in the store." He sighed shaking his head as he refused to look at the comments.

"No she didn’t tell me anything before either of you ask. Liam just so happened to be at the store and called me knowing that Y/N wouldn’t tell me herself seeing as she doesn’t want to come between myself and the fans. But when the fans are hating on her in person that’s were it needs to stop." He stated.

"If you don’t like her that’s fine. I’m not asking you to like her, I’m asking you to respect her."


There were pictures of yours and Zyans little weekend get away everywhere. You couldn’t seem to ignore the fact that the whole world was talking about the fact that the both of you were really taken things to the next level in your relationships.

 The fans weren’t happy about this. It was all over ever social media website. It stun to know that so many people all around the world had a huge hatred for you. You couldn’t grasp why they hate you as much as did they. You knew when you and Zyan first started dating that some of them didn’t like you. 

"Hey babe." Zyan greeted you ask he kissed your cheek softly. He was getting ready to go to an interview and you were staying behind to catch up on your UnI work. Zyan really wanted you to go but at the same time he didn’t. Today he was going to be addressing your haters. 

Walking into the studio the boys were quickly rushed off to their interview. It was half way through when the question he had been waiting for showed up. Licking his lip he looked at the interview as he asked him the question knowing just how he was going to respond to it.

"Zyan, your girlfriend has been getting a lot of hate recently about the little trip you both toke. How do you feel about that?" He asked as Zyan bite his lip before speaking.

"Honestly, I don’t get why." He mumbled before he chuckled. "I understand that they don’t like the fact that I’ve finally found someone that I could express all my happiness with and it upsets me that they are breaking the person that means the most to me." He said as the interviewer nodded his head. 

"What i think is sicken what one of them posted the other day on twitter. It was something along the lines of ‘Y/N won’t be there forever but your fans will.’" He shook his head and looked at the camera. 

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