You know he's your soul mate because...

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Niall: he makes you a better person. Like anyone else you have your good days and bad days. But sometimes you don’t want to deal with people and their lame excuses. But lately you’ve had more patience and people’s lame excuses didn’t bother you as much. Since you’ve been with Niall there have been more good days then bad. Maybe it’s because waking up next to him automatically puts you in a good mood. It’s the morning kisses and cuddles. You feel like you can take on the world because Niall believes in you, you want to be someone worth believing in. You know you need to be with someone who makes you want to be a better person and that it why Niall is your soul mate.  

Liam: he makes you happy, happier then you’ve ever been. You were in a bad relationship before you met Liam and you were afraid to let him in but he was patient with you, he helped you through the break up. He waited until you were ready to pursue starting a relationship. And he’s spent everyday proving to you that you deserve better. He’ll have flowers delivered; he’ll show up at your house just to tell you he misses you. He makes sure you know how he feels about you and spends any extra time he can with you. He asks you about your day and when he asks, he genially cares. In the short amount of time you’ve been together he’s made you happier then your old boyfriend ever did. You and Liam have talked about getting married and your future. You know that you want to spend everyday with him and you couldn’t be more excited to see what the future holds for you two. 

Harry: you can’t imagine life without him.  You try to think about where you would be if you hadn’t met Harry. You wonder if you’d still be living in that run down flat? Or would you have moved back in with your mom? Would you have met someone else? As hard as you try you can’t picture your life without him. You can’t imagine waking up to anyone else. No one else would send you stupid text throughout the day just to make you laugh. No one would make you feel as loved as Harry does, and no one could make you as happy as your are right now. No one could send chills down your spine just by touching you. You wouldn’t have made all the friends you have if you didn’t meet Harry. You wouldn’t have made so many wonderful people. You know in your heart that no one could make you as happy as Harry does, and that’s why you know he’s your soul mate. 

 Louis: he makes you question everything. You question your sanity; you question everything you thought about love and what it should be. You thought being in love would be sunshine and rainbows but with Louis, it’s not. There’s constant bickering, Louis knows how to push your buttons, and boy does he. As much as it drives you nuts you know this is how it should be. You know you need to be with someone like Louis. Someone who was going to piss you off. Louis tells you how it is and makes you face your shit. You’d rather be bickering with him then happy all the time with anyone else. You know Louis is the one you’re supposed to be with. 

Zayn: you love him like crazy. You two have the kind of love that’s not sane, the kind of love that makes your heart hurt. The thought of Zayn consumes you, all you ever think about is he. You wonder what he’s doing or if he misses you too. When you two are apart all you want to do is be with him. You would do anything to be with him again, you’d quit your job, and you’d fly across the world. But you know you can’t quit so you have to be ok just talking to him. You call him anytime you can and you’re always looking at your phone so you don’t miss a call from him. You can’t imagine being with anyone else; you know you can’t love anyone else. That’s why you know he’s your soul mate. 

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