A Question

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Louis: "What's the saddest thing you've ever seen?" You ask as you tilt your head on his shoulder. The sun is shining through a break in the dark clouds, rain is shimmering as it falls down to hit the windshield of the bus. It's beautiful, really, it is, but there's something so melancholy about it that not even the warm boy wrapped around you can make it happy. His fingers trace over the lines of your hand, down your fingers, over your bones, and his lips tickle your ear. "A baby bird flying for the first time; the poor thing doesn't realize it'll never reach the sun." He sighs into your hair, taps his finger on the back of your hand, and turns his head back to the window and the rainstorm that's swirling by.

Harry: "Do you think ants get headaches?" The tiny black insect was climbing the peak of your finger, your gaze focused entirely on what path it was taking. Harry was sitting opposite you, a half-smile lifting the corners of his cheeks, "I don't know. Maybe. They've got brains, haven't they, so maybe they do. Or is it just people that get headaches." He rubbed at his forehead, a crease appearing between his brows while he contemplates the subject. "Do you think ants fall in love?" He eventually asks, tilting his gaze towards you, a warm smile just beginning to curl the edges of his lips.

Liam: "What are you humming?" The soft voice startled you out of your reverie - staring out the window at the city that buzzed below. A pair of arms circled your waist, pulling you back against Liam's warm chest, his stubble scratching against your cheek as he bowed his head next to yours. "What was that song?" He asked again, humming a bit of it back to you. It sounded much more lovely in his voice, you decided, encouraging him to continue. Obviously he'd been eavesdropping on your humming for quite some time since he repeated most of the tune back to you. "Just something that's been flitting around my head," you told him, turning around in his arms to press a quick kiss to his cheek before dancing away.

Niall: "Would you ever -" "No, ask me a different question." You frowned at the interjection. When you were given the opportunity to sit down with one member of One Direction, you never expected that he would shoot down most of your questions. "You don't even know what I was going to ask." You cocked an eyebrow at the Irishman sitting across from you. Niall shrugged, "Different question." You'd nearly exhausted the list of questions you'd brought, but there was still one left that you'd thrown in just to give him something to laugh about. "So, say you were a wizard, Niall, what would your patronus be?" That drew the long sought after grin from him, "Now that's a question I'd like to answer...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2015 ⏰

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