He compares you to his ex

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Harry: “I’m not perfect okay! I may not be as outgoing as your exes but that’s what makes me me!” I shout as I lift my hands up in the air. All morning Harry had been complaining about how I’m not as outgoing as his exes. I’m not supposed to be like his exes, I’m supposed to be me. Why can’t he see that it’s okay not be outgoing? Being shy isn’t wrong? Is it? Well right now, when Harry is practically telling me I shouldn’t be shy, I am thinking it is wrong. “Look I’m sorry, but when I met you I thought you weren’t as shy.” “Are you being serious right now? Are you fuckin serious Harry?” I couldn’t believe him. He met me at a damn bar, of course I’m not going to be shy after I’ve had a couple to drink. “I can’t believe you are judging me because of that, just because I’m not as outgoing as your past girlfriends, does not give you the right to try to change me or make me feel bad about myself!” I say and Harry looks at me shocked. “What?” I say placing a hand on my hip. “You don’t like the way you are?” he asks. “Well not right now, no! How can I not be? Your over here telling me that I’m not good enough for you! How do you think I feel?” I say getting angrier. “Oh my god, no no no. Y/N I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean it. I just wish you were a little more outgoing so we could do more things together, things that you are afraid of doing right now.” he says and I look him up and down. “Whatever” I finally say walking out of the room. Before I could go any farther his arms slipped around my waist. “Please forgive me, I’m so so sorry” he says while placing his soft lips on my neck.

Niall: “I don’t know man, I just-” I hear Niall talking on the phone with someone while I cook breakfast for us. “I know but I usually just say I have to go somewhere so I don’t have to eat her breakfast” Were they talking about me? I turn the stove off as I tiptoe into the living room. “Barbara was a better cook than Y/N, I don’t think Y/N can ever-” “Don’t worry she won’t hear me, I’m going to tell her I have a meeting anyway.” I can’t believe him. “So you have a meeting?” I ask as I walk into the room. He shuts his phone quickly as I place a hand on my hip. “Um yeah, Paul just called. We need to get together to talk about the new album.” “Oh I see, so this isn’t about my cooking is it?” “What? No of course not! I love your cooking! I wish I could help eat it, but unfortunately I have to run.” he says as he gets up to kiss my cheek. “You know I heard you on the phone, I know that you don’t like my cooking. You don’t have to hide it from me. I know I’m not that great of a cook, and that’s cool that Barbara was but I mean you really have to compare my cooking skills to hers? Everyone has different abilities and maybe one of her best qualities was cooking, but mines not. You should be happy that I take time to try to feed us, yeah it may not be the best god damn food but just be happy I’m trying! But I guess your not, so maybe you can just hire Barbara to cook for you from now on.” I say throwing the spatula I was holding onto the counter. “Y/N” “No don’t even!” I say while walking past him. I can’t stand to look at someone who was going to compare one little thing about me, to one of his exes. If he likes her cooking so much, maybe she can just be there for him instead.

Liam: Today I had my very first dance audition for this new band. I couldn’t keep the smile off my face when I practiced this morning, until Liam of all people, criticized me. “You need to bend your hip a bit more” he says and I look at him confused. “Okay” I say hesitantly. “And you need to put your foot in front, not back” “you know what, enough! Every time I practice you always criticize me!” “Well maybe if you did it right, I wouldn’t have to! I never had to criticize Danielle!” “Danielle was a professional! I’m not! And i can’t believe you said that Liam!” I say. I watch in disbelief as he walks out of the room. “So your going to compare me to her and then just leave? No apologies?” I ask raising my voice. “What do I need to apologize about? I’m sorry your not as good as her? There, there’s your apology.” “I can’t believe you” I say as I grab my purse to walk out of the door. “I’ll show you what I can do” I say before I get in the car to head to the audition.

Louis: So far today had been awful. I got fired from my job because supposedly I was handing out free coffees to everyone. Second, my mom and I had a huge fight on the phone because she doesn’t think I’m responsible. Thirdly, my car wouldn’t start when I tried to leave my job, well I guess it’s not my job anymore. I laid in bed with my hand covering my face while I put my headphones in. I was getting a headache from all the stress of today when Louis came in making a bunch of noise. “Louis can you please be quiet, I’m not feeling well.” “What’s wrong love?” I uncovered my face to reveal Louis holding chocolate and roses. “What’s this?” I ask. A smile disappeared from his face as I sat up. “This is for you, happy anniversary” he states and my mouth opens. “Oh my- Louis I totally forgot! I’m so sorry! Today wasn’t the best day at all! I got fired, I had a fight with my mom, and then my car wouldn’t start.” I say in one breath. “It’s fine, we can celebrate tomorrow when you feel better.” “Really?” I ask. “Absolutely.” “So your not mad that I forgot our anniversary?” “Let’s just say that Eleanor wouldn’t have forgotten.” he says while walking out. “And she wouldn’t have gotten fired, she’s to professional for that.” “What are you saying?” I ask. “I’m just saying that she was- more mature than you. She could handle a lot more.” “So? I’m not Eleanor!” I say before he walks out.

Zayn: I clutch Zayn’s hand as we walk out onto the road where a bunch of fans and paps were. They all were crowded around us, screaming and wanting our pictures. “Move everyone!” Zayn yells as we try to reach his car. We finally made it to his car as he opens the door for me. We sat in the car for awhile waiting for everyone to make some room for us to leave. “No offense, but you didn’t have to hold onto my hand so tight” he says and I look down. “Sorry, I was just a bit nervous.” I say. “Nervous? This happens everyday! How are you not used to it by now? Perrie is used to it!” “I’m not famous Zayn! I’m probably never going to get used to this! That is just something you have to deal with! I don’t walk out on the street by myself and people are crowded around me, that only happens when I’m with you! And of course Perrie is used to it! She’s famous, just like you! She’s used to people being in her way and getting her picture taken!” I say as Zayn rolls his eyes while backing up. “At least try not to be so nervous next time.” Zayn says and I grunt in reply.

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