September 1987 (New Girl)

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The buses were just pulling up to Barkley Boulevard Elementary School. It was the start of the new school year, summer was over, and it was that day everyone dreaded. Chatter filled the air as students exited the buses, many of them complaining about having to start classes again. Though, not all of them were.

"Hey, guys!" a young light brown squirrel boy said, "Wait up, would ya? Yeesh, in that much of a rush to get to class?"

"Then don't be such a slowpoke, Adam," a young gray and white border collie girl scoffed, "If you wanna hang with us, ya gotta keep up with us."

"Take a Chill Pill, Cathy," her friend, a tan German shepherd girl said, "Adam can't help that he's not quick."

"Hahaha," Adam said with an eye roll, "This is why I don't let girls in my clubhouse, Mel."

"You... You always let us in..." Mel said confusedly.

"Well, it's a new rule," he said, sticking his tongue out, "Boys rule, girls drool!"

"Whatever," Cathy laughed, "Let's just hurry and get to class. We all have the same teacher this year, right?"

"Yup," Adam said, "Good way to start the year."

"Bell's gonna ring soon," Mel said, "Let's hur- Oof!"

As she turned around to walk, she ran into someone who was walking by.

"Oh, s-sorry..." the girl she bumped into said, "Wasn't paying attention."

This girl was also a squirrel. Her build was more heavyset, she had yellow-orange eyes, and light gray fur, save for the middle of her face and top of her head, as well as her tail, which were all a darker shade of gray. She had on a light blue tank top with a daisy in the middle of it, and she wore a floor-length yellow and gold patterned skirt that covered her paws.

"I don't think I recognize you..." Mel said.

"Oh," the girl said, "my family and I just moved, so I'm in this school district now. I'm Daisy Fields."

"I'm Melissa," Mel said, "Melissa Kanine. These two are my friends, Catherine Collins and Adam Busch."

"Hi," Cathy and Adam said in unison with a wave.

"Did you move from far?" Melissa asked.

"I'm from the island, just further out east, right outside of Montauk," the girl replied, "And I'll try to be more careful...I gotta get to homeroom."

"Who do you have?" Melissa asked.

"Mrs. Hedges," Daisy said.

"Same as us!" Mel exclaimed, "You can walk with us if you want."

"Uh, thanks!" Daisy said happily.

The four children walked to their room as they talked, Mel and Daisy walked in front, and Cathy and Adam behind them. They started to fall behind when Cathy noticed Adam walking slowly.

"Adam?" She said, but he was staring ahead and didn't answer, "Adam!"

"Huh?" He said, shaking his head and breaking his gaze.

"What the heck were you looking at?" Cathy asked.

"Um... Nothing," Adam replied, "Just... Yeah nothing."

Cathy looked up to where he had been looking, then back at him. It didn't take her long to put two and two together.

"Yeah, right!" She said with a smile, "You were so looking at Daisy! You think she's cuuuuuuute dontcha?"

Adam's face flushed red as he shook his head quickly, "N-no! Of course not... Girls are gross."

"Right," Cathy laughed with an eye roll, "Keep telling yourself that. Don't worry, your secret is safe with me... Maybe..."

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