July 1996 (There She Was)

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It had been an interesting first year of college for George. He really enjoyed all of his classes, the school of his dreams had been everything he had hoped for, and he was so grateful for his opportunity to attend it. But now, his second semester was over, which meant George had flown from California back to Long Island to stay with his family for the summer. 

It had been a couple weeks since he had gotten back and while he was in his hometown, he had decided to go shopping. He needed some new clothes to take back to California with him that upcoming fall, and figured he'd just get it out of the way sooner rather than later. As he walked through the mall, he suddenly froze. He saw a familiar girl just up ahead. It was Cathy.

As George's Spring semester came to an end, and he was no longer distracted by his classes, his feelings for Cathy began returning, though he wasn't sure they ever left. He hadn't contacted her since getting back home, though, because he had no clue what she thought of him now. He was rather scared to find out. However, upon seeing her now, he heavily considered approaching her. That is, until he saw what was in front of her.

In front of her was a stroller. In it, a baby collie, not more than a month old at most. The small brown puppy was laying down in the stroller. He couldn't believe it. George's heart sank even further when a tall guy, sporting the same brown fur as the baby, walked out of the store she was near and kissed her. It felt like someone had a death grip on his heart as the two collies walked away, the man's arm wrapped around Cathy.

For the second time, George felt his heart breaking, now knowing he never should have ended things with her.

Cathy had moved on.

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